I have an A7N8X Deluxe with a single PCI card, a D-Link NIC. I've done
some testing and have found that the PCI is 50KB/S faster than either
onboard NIC. Both onboard nics provide about 300 KB/S, and the D-Link does
about 350 KB/S when downloading from usenet. I've tested this with a
bandwith monitor app and with the usenet app's built-in bandwith readout
(BNR2). It's not a fluke: I fbought the mainboard a few weeks ago, and
noticed the difference right away, so I turned the onboard nics off and
used the PCI. Last night I double checked and my originl impression was
Has anyone else noticed this, and is there somethign I can do to resolve
this issue? I would have bet money that the onboard nics would have an
edge over the PCI.
BTW, while looking over the driver info for the onboards, I noticed that
the 3Com "Advanced" tab has a bunch of tweak settings. Everything's
installed defaults now: perhaps I should diddle with one of them, any
OS: Windows XP Home
The driver for the 3Com onboard nic:
Provider: 3Com
Driver Date: 8/13/02
Driver Version:
The driver for the Nvidia Nfoce onboard nic:
Provider: Nvidia
Driver Date: 9/23/02
Driver Version:
I have an A7N8X Deluxe with a single PCI card, a D-Link NIC. I've done
some testing and have found that the PCI is 50KB/S faster than either
onboard NIC. Both onboard nics provide about 300 KB/S, and the D-Link does
about 350 KB/S when downloading from usenet. I've tested this with a
bandwith monitor app and with the usenet app's built-in bandwith readout
(BNR2). It's not a fluke: I fbought the mainboard a few weeks ago, and
noticed the difference right away, so I turned the onboard nics off and
used the PCI. Last night I double checked and my originl impression was
Has anyone else noticed this, and is there somethign I can do to resolve
this issue? I would have bet money that the onboard nics would have an
edge over the PCI.
BTW, while looking over the driver info for the onboards, I noticed that
the 3Com "Advanced" tab has a bunch of tweak settings. Everything's
installed defaults now: perhaps I should diddle with one of them, any
OS: Windows XP Home
The driver for the 3Com onboard nic:
Provider: 3Com
Driver Date: 8/13/02
Driver Version:
The driver for the Nvidia Nfoce onboard nic:
Provider: Nvidia
Driver Date: 9/23/02
Driver Version: