Ralf Eckert
Hi NG's!
using the A7N8X with 2 new 512 MB DDRRAM DIMM PC400 Corsair TWINXLL but cant
use the performance. i pluged the ram-modules in the ram-sockets 2 and 3
[blue colered]. in the BIOS-boot the ram-modules will be identified as
DUAL-channel_modules. the benchmark result of sandra-soft ascertained, that
the ram-module is running in date item size 16 byte and a daterate of
aproxematelly 2500 MB/s. the manual give the advise "to enhance system
performance, utilize dual channel feature" but how / where can i make this
best regards and thx in advance
using the A7N8X with 2 new 512 MB DDRRAM DIMM PC400 Corsair TWINXLL but cant
use the performance. i pluged the ram-modules in the ram-sockets 2 and 3
[blue colered]. in the BIOS-boot the ram-modules will be identified as
DUAL-channel_modules. the benchmark result of sandra-soft ascertained, that
the ram-module is running in date item size 16 byte and a daterate of
aproxematelly 2500 MB/s. the manual give the advise "to enhance system
performance, utilize dual channel feature" but how / where can i make this
best regards and thx in advance