Just build a system on a a7n8x del. board. I noticed it has two NIC onboard, one is the nvidia one, and the other is a 3com. The bottom NIC works in WinXP (nvidia), but the upper NIC 93com)does not. I installed the all-in-one drivers from the CD that came with the board.
I have the following installed in WinXP after using the disc:
NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Adapter
1394 Net Adapter
The device manager has a problem with Other devices>Ethernet Controller. I think this is the other 3COM the manual is talking about, but I cannot get it to install with the drivers from the CD. Anyone else have this problem?
I have the following installed in WinXP after using the disc:
NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Adapter
1394 Net Adapter
The device manager has a problem with Other devices>Ethernet Controller. I think this is the other 3COM the manual is talking about, but I cannot get it to install with the drivers from the CD. Anyone else have this problem?