The AMD 2500+ is a Barton with 512Kb Level 2 cache and it is running at
The AMD 2600+ is a Thoughbred with 256 Kb level 2 cache and is running at
over 2 Ghz.
Damm AMD for this "rating-numbers"
As the 2500+ has a bigger Level 2 cache and they might be ending up with
about the same max, then the 2500+ is a better choise.
There is also a Barton 2600+. ;p
__Model Name_______MHz_FSB x Mult
Athlon XP 1500+ - 1333 (133x10.0)
Athlon XP 1600+ - 1400 (133x10.5)
Athlon XP 1700+ - 1467 (133x11.0)
Athlon XP 1800+ - 1533 (133x11.5)
Athlon XP 1900+ - 1600 (133x12.0)
Athlon XP 2000+ - 1667 (133x12.5)
Athlon XP 2100+ - 1733 (133x13.0)
Athlon XP 2200+ - 1800 (133x13.5)
Athlon XP 2400+ - 2000 (133x15.0)
Athlon XP 2600+ - 2133 (133x16.0)
Athlon XP 2600+ - 2083 (166x12.5)
Athlon XP 2700+ - 2167 (166x13.0)
Athlon XP 2800+ - 2250 (166x13.5)
Barton XP 2500+ - 1833 (166x11.0)
Barton XP 2600+ - 1917 (166x11.5)
Barton XP 2800+ - 2083 (166x12.5)
Barton XP 3000+ - 2167 (166x13.0)
Barton XP 3000+ - 2100 (200x10.5)
Barton XP 3200+ - 2200 (200x11.0)