Ben said:
I would have to agree.
I would suspect that it is half of the AGP speed, but cannot be sure.
Well all you guys where right.I found out by experiment with my own
board.The pci bus are always the half of the agp one.But as the agp are
adjustable and the pci are locked to it you can raise the pci bus by
changing the agp speed.But it's still the half of the agp speed.Here is
why a lot of people fail to overclock the A7N8X deluxe cards more that
178-180 mhz.They have the agp speed at auto in bios and when they change
the fsb speed from default 166 to 184 or whatever they raise the agp bus
as well and that makes the pci buss go faster as well and thats when you
get errors as if you just higher your pci bus with a few percent it's to
fast for what it is meant for.The way to do it is change your agp bus
from auto to 66.Then you get the default pci bus speed 33.That's the
speed it's meant for.And now,raise your front side bus speed to 195 or
more.And suddenly you got your old 2500 running like a 3200.After one
year of struggling trying to over clock my unlocked 2500 I was finally
helped to understand this of a couple of guys in another group.
Thanks a lot
regards al