ASUS A7N8X2.0 ACPI BIOS Rev 1003
Phoenix-Award BIOS v6.00PG
BIOS DATE 03/19/03
AMD Duron 800 Processor upgraded to
AMD Athlon XP-A, 2079 MHz (6.25 x 333) 2800+
FSB 166
multiplier: X12.5
Core voltage 1.65 V
Zalman CPNU 7000 Cooler (close to the power supply)
Elixir Memory 512MB DDR333 PC2700
300W Power Supply
1 Maxtor 40Gb HD
Freshly installed HD
Abit FX5200
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
I bought an new AMD 2800 XP Barton processor for my mobo but the
system is not stable
All my games and applications are shuting down and the pc restarts.
I can use the internet and do receive windows errors
I set the memory timings of my Elixir Memory to default as mentionned
in the Asus Mobo instructions but this made things worse, unable to
boot the system => Clear CMOS and all was set back to default=> 7 3 3
I then tried to change the multipliyer to lower ones but this changed
the FSB to 100 and the CPU was 1250Mhz and the POST would just freeze.
Reset it too 12.5 and the system boots up to Win2000 and the CPU would
show AMD XP 2800.
I can't figure it out problem.
In other discussion groups the members said the PSU was the problem as
it's a no-name.
Do you think that the Zalman could be the problem as it's very close
to the PSU?
Electomagnetic fields or so?
Thanks for answering my post.
See my previous discussion groups problems on :
Phoenix-Award BIOS v6.00PG
BIOS DATE 03/19/03
AMD Duron 800 Processor upgraded to
AMD Athlon XP-A, 2079 MHz (6.25 x 333) 2800+
FSB 166
multiplier: X12.5
Core voltage 1.65 V
Zalman CPNU 7000 Cooler (close to the power supply)
Elixir Memory 512MB DDR333 PC2700
300W Power Supply
1 Maxtor 40Gb HD
Freshly installed HD
Abit FX5200
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
I bought an new AMD 2800 XP Barton processor for my mobo but the
system is not stable
All my games and applications are shuting down and the pc restarts.
I can use the internet and do receive windows errors
I set the memory timings of my Elixir Memory to default as mentionned
in the Asus Mobo instructions but this made things worse, unable to
boot the system => Clear CMOS and all was set back to default=> 7 3 3
I then tried to change the multipliyer to lower ones but this changed
the FSB to 100 and the CPU was 1250Mhz and the POST would just freeze.
Reset it too 12.5 and the system boots up to Win2000 and the CPU would
show AMD XP 2800.
I can't figure it out problem.
In other discussion groups the members said the PSU was the problem as
it's a no-name.
Do you think that the Zalman could be the problem as it's very close
to the PSU?
Electomagnetic fields or so?
Thanks for answering my post.
See my previous discussion groups problems on :