Jay Bittle
Hi all - A7N8X Deluxe 1.04 mobo acting up again..
I was playing with a couple of bios settings this morning, this after
about a week of good uptime after my last problem on New Years Day
(bad BIOS flash), trying to get my machine to O/c to 200 FSB, and all
of a sudden the machine just wouldn't POST anymore...
I cleared CMOS, and she booted! Yey! So i went in, re-did some of my
settings at a lower level, pressed F10, and she's dead. I remember
reading about the old Save & Exit problem with these mobo's, so I
cleared CMOS, and she booted again!. Went in, re-did my settings,
pressed F10, nothing.
This endless cycle has continued. I can get her to boot and POST if I
clear CMOS.
Pick up a replacement battery and installed, same problem. I've tried
booting with the battery out, and nothing - I have to clear CMOS first
before I can boot. I've rebooted about 5 times this week before this
happened, and about 5 times today - I have been having some VPU
Recover problems, so the machine locked up on me a few times today
while running 3dMark2003...
What steps should I take - I tried searching the board for this exact
problem, but everyone with the Save & Exit problelm seemed to have the
board just die and clearing CMOS or anything else wouldn't revive it.
My problem seems slightly different because I can at least restart the
machine by just clearing CMOS. But my settings won't save.
When I do clear the CMOS, and boot, it will POST and load windows just
fine - however, I am running at 13x100 (I have an XP 2100+, so it
should be 13x133). It run at 100mhz no matter what the FSB jumper is
set to.
Can anyone chime in on this, and offer me some advice as to what steps
I can try.. any advice please post here, or email me..
XP 2100+
A7N8X v1.04 bios 1007
3x256 Crucial XMS PC3200
Radeon 9600
Antec 400W
Plenty o' drives (5 HD, 3 optical drives)
I was playing with a couple of bios settings this morning, this after
about a week of good uptime after my last problem on New Years Day
(bad BIOS flash), trying to get my machine to O/c to 200 FSB, and all
of a sudden the machine just wouldn't POST anymore...
I cleared CMOS, and she booted! Yey! So i went in, re-did some of my
settings at a lower level, pressed F10, and she's dead. I remember
reading about the old Save & Exit problem with these mobo's, so I
cleared CMOS, and she booted again!. Went in, re-did my settings,
pressed F10, nothing.
This endless cycle has continued. I can get her to boot and POST if I
clear CMOS.
Pick up a replacement battery and installed, same problem. I've tried
booting with the battery out, and nothing - I have to clear CMOS first
before I can boot. I've rebooted about 5 times this week before this
happened, and about 5 times today - I have been having some VPU
Recover problems, so the machine locked up on me a few times today
while running 3dMark2003...
What steps should I take - I tried searching the board for this exact
problem, but everyone with the Save & Exit problelm seemed to have the
board just die and clearing CMOS or anything else wouldn't revive it.
My problem seems slightly different because I can at least restart the
machine by just clearing CMOS. But my settings won't save.
When I do clear the CMOS, and boot, it will POST and load windows just
fine - however, I am running at 13x100 (I have an XP 2100+, so it
should be 13x133). It run at 100mhz no matter what the FSB jumper is
set to.
Can anyone chime in on this, and offer me some advice as to what steps
I can try.. any advice please post here, or email me..
XP 2100+
A7N8X v1.04 bios 1007
3x256 Crucial XMS PC3200
Radeon 9600
Antec 400W
Plenty o' drives (5 HD, 3 optical drives)