Hello everybody !
First, sorry for my bad english, it's not my mother tongue
So :
A7A266 mainboard,
256 + 512 SDRam,
Thunderbird 1000 CPU (or 1100 ?),
matrox g450 graphic card,
linkworld 230~ power supply,
maxtor 30GB HD,
Pionner DVD-Rom
no floppy (after my tests)
This configuration was correct and turn with no problem...
Now my brother has made some tests with other components, and when he
try to rebuild initial configuration, some problems appears...
I have had many problems with "chassis" jumper and keyboard
deconnection, but now, it's resolved... But the POST stop after listing
If i remember, the bios version is 1003.
I have tried some manipulations on bios, but no way, the boot is always
stopped before CD-Rom or HD boot...
If anyone has a solution, any suggestion, or url, it would be great
First, sorry for my bad english, it's not my mother tongue

So :
A7A266 mainboard,
256 + 512 SDRam,
Thunderbird 1000 CPU (or 1100 ?),
matrox g450 graphic card,
linkworld 230~ power supply,
maxtor 30GB HD,
Pionner DVD-Rom
no floppy (after my tests)
This configuration was correct and turn with no problem...
Now my brother has made some tests with other components, and when he
try to rebuild initial configuration, some problems appears...
I have had many problems with "chassis" jumper and keyboard
deconnection, but now, it's resolved... But the POST stop after listing
If i remember, the bios version is 1003.
I have tried some manipulations on bios, but no way, the boot is always
stopped before CD-Rom or HD boot...
If anyone has a solution, any suggestion, or url, it would be great
