A2007 ADO Recordset Clone

  • Thread starter Thread starter JimS
  • Start date Start date


The following code fails when the ".filter" method is invoked with an error
indicating that it doesn't support bookmarks. rstBoMDetail is an
ADODB.Recordset, open and not empty. I just added this code to this class.
Class has been working fine, using the rstBoMDetail recordset often. Anyone
know why?

With rstBoMDetail.clone
.Filter = "BoMID =" & NewID
If Not .EOF Then
.Find "BoMItemID=" & rstModelBill!BoMItemID, ,
adSearchForward, 1
End If
If Not .EOF Then
lngDupBomItemID = !BoMDetailID
End If
boolDup = Not .EOF
End With
On Thu, 19 Nov 2009 12:12:01 -0800, JimS

Not all recordsets support bookmarks. Test for it:
With rstBoMDetail.clone
if .Properties("Use Bookmarks") = False then
Msgbox "Boo-hoo: can't use bookmarks!"

Microsoft Access MVP