Rob McShinsky
We have a few oddball users that were created with a bad script that for
some reason did not have the "allow inheritable permissions from parent to
propagate to this object" option checked and have non-standard permission on
them making them harder to manage. Is there a way to propagate permissions
to all user objects and re-enable this check box. Unfortuanately the option
found on file permissions does not exist. "Reset permissions on all child
objects and enable propagation of inheritable permission."
Rob McShinsky
some reason did not have the "allow inheritable permissions from parent to
propagate to this object" option checked and have non-standard permission on
them making them harder to manage. Is there a way to propagate permissions
to all user objects and re-enable this check box. Unfortuanately the option
found on file permissions does not exist. "Reset permissions on all child
objects and enable propagation of inheritable permission."
Rob McShinsky