Ok, I have an idea
Round up all the old Bill who policed the G20 summit protests and set them loose inside the Mosques.....
What's that you say? It won't work?
Oh never mind then, just an idea....
I still thought that comedian was funny.
As for the other business, I dunno, must admit I'm scared, it's like having the IRA active again.
But I have still have a brain, I'm still fond of human beings and I know that a few extremeists can tar a whole society.
So for now I'm tolerant - albeit with caution and a firm dislike of some aspects of the whole issue, such as Shirya (spelling?) Courts.
Black flag over Downing Street? Sensationalism. This is the country that wouldn't bow down to Germany on two occasions in the last century.
I feel the UK would rise up in Civil War if that was attempted. And the effort would come from many non-Muslim sections of society I reckon, imo this isn't a race thing, it's a religion thing. There are many so-called ethnic sections of our society who would object to being ruled by Al Qeda, after all.
But it's roots are founded, as ever, in poverty.
And damn, I thought this was a funnee thread, not a serious political debate