A Very Stubborn Spyware



I have a very stubborn favorites link on IE. I try
deleting the favorite from my favorites but within a
minute, the darn link reappears. I concluded that I have
a spyware. I long before downloaded Spybot and Ad-Aware
and they are both up to date. Spybot found the registry
and fixed the registry but after another scan with
Spybot, it found the same registry entry. Next I went to
my registry and deleted the entry my self but it came
back within a minute. To further complicate the problem,
I have three spyware search engines in addition. Both
Spybot and Ad-Aware are not fixing the problem. On one
of the spyware search engines, it had a downloadable
uninstaller that I can download and uninstall the
spyware. But I don't know if I can trust them. I mean,
they are the ones that installed this crap in my computer
without my consent to begin with. I am very frustrated
and angry and have no idea on what to do. By the way, I
have Norton's Internet Security 2004 and it is up to


-----Original Message-----
I have a very stubborn favorites link on IE. I try
deleting the favorite from my favorites but within a
minute, the darn link reappears. I concluded that I have
a spyware. I long before downloaded Spybot and Ad-Aware
and they are both up to date. Spybot found the registry
and fixed the registry but after another scan with
Spybot, it found the same registry entry. Next I went to
my registry and deleted the entry my self but it came
back within a minute. To further complicate the problem,
I have three spyware search engines in addition. Both
Spybot and Ad-Aware are not fixing the problem. On one
of the spyware search engines, it had a downloadable
uninstaller that I can download and uninstall the
spyware. But I don't know if I can trust them. I mean,
they are the ones that installed this crap in my computer
without my consent to begin with. I am very frustrated
and angry and have no idea on what to do. By the way, I
have Norton's Internet Security 2004 and it is up to

Please forgive me if it sound too simplistic. I'm a bit
of a newbie. I had a similar problem too. There are a
multitude of these virii (plural of virus!) and they all
hijack either your favourites or redirect your homepage or
other some such links. I did a thorough search for "Host"
files and found a couple that were hidden in weird places
that didn't seem to belong. When I deleted these
anomolous hosts files, the registry was no longer reset
everytime I turned on the computer. I can't tell you what
to look for, I had to do a little research to figure out
which "host" files XP uses, but usually the fake ones
look "unMicrosoft". Goodluck.



-----Original Message-----

of a newbie. I had a similar problem too. There are a
multitude of these virii (plural of virus!) and they all
hijack either your favourites or redirect your homepage or
other some such links. I did a thorough search for "Host"
files and found a couple that were hidden in weird places
that didn't seem to belong. When I deleted these
anomolous hosts files, the registry was no longer reset
everytime I turned on the computer. I can't tell you what
to look for, I had to do a little research to figure out
which "host" files XP uses, but usually the fake ones
look "unMicrosoft". Goodluck.

Just got another one while I was Typing this!!! Look
under date modified and you will see a host file that was
modified recently. That's usually your culprit.

Steve Nielsen

Cliff. said:
of a newbie. I had a similar problem too. There are a
multitude of these virii (plural of virus!) and they all
hijack either your favourites or redirect your homepage or
other some such links. I did a thorough search for "Host"
files and found a couple that were hidden in weird places
that didn't seem to belong. When I deleted these
anomolous hosts files, the registry was no longer reset
everytime I turned on the computer. I can't tell you what
to look for, I had to do a little research to figure out
which "host" files XP uses, but usually the fake ones
look "unMicrosoft". Goodluck.


Uh... hate to tell ya Cliff, but there is no such word as "virii". Go
ahead, look it up any way you want and can. It's not a real word so
don't try to use it in scrabble, ok?



-----Original Message-----

Uh... hate to tell ya Cliff, but there is no such word as "virii". Go
ahead, look it up any way you want and can. It's not a real word so
don't try to use it in scrabble, ok?


.Sorry. I was trying to be farcycle, but I guess the
Exclamenting mark was two subturtle.(!!!) Hope the advice
helps a little.


fluffy the wonder kitten

If Cliff wants virii to be plural for virus it is his
civil right to proclaim it so. Let us not prohibit his
use of language in any form he wishes to even if it is
not recognized yet by the society we live in. If used
enough it will eventually be streamlined into everyday
language and hence become a "word" as "normal" society
would view it. Besides he really had a great post.


-----Original Message-----
of a newbie. I had a similar problem too. There are a
multitude of these virii (plural of virus!) and they all
hijack either your favourites or redirect your homepage or
other some such links. I did a thorough search for "Host"
files and found a couple that were hidden in weird places
that didn't seem to belong. When I deleted these
anomolous hosts files, the registry was no longer reset
everytime I turned on the computer. I can't tell you what
to look for, I had to do a little research to figure out
which "host" files XP uses, but usually the fake ones
look "unMicrosoft". Goodluck.

Unless you use a proxt server or some other app this is
the only thing that should be in your host file.


-----Original Message-----
I have a very stubborn favorites link on IE. I try
deleting the favorite from my favorites but within a
minute, the darn link reappears. I concluded that I have
a spyware. I long before downloaded Spybot and Ad-Aware
and they are both up to date. Spybot found the registry
and fixed the registry but after another scan with
Spybot, it found the same registry entry. Next I went to
my registry and deleted the entry my self but it came
back within a minute. To further complicate the problem,
I have three spyware search engines in addition. Both
Spybot and Ad-Aware are not fixing the problem. On one
of the spyware search engines, it had a downloadable
uninstaller that I can download and uninstall the
spyware. But I don't know if I can trust them. I mean,
they are the ones that installed this crap in my computer
without my consent to begin with. I am very frustrated
and angry and have no idea on what to do. By the way, I
have Norton's Internet Security 2004 and it is up to

For expert help in removing spyware go here

Also this program will give you a popup warning when your
host file has been changed.


Cliff. said:
There are a
multitude of these virii (plural of virus!)
There is no such word in any language, past or present. Plural of virus is

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