Windows Vista A very basic de-frag question


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
This is a terribly basic question, but...

What are your thoughts regarding defragging Vista? For example, with XP, it was always my habit to regularly check it manually. It almost always told me that the disk did not need to be de-fragmented, but as most of you will know, there was always a handy graphic to look at, which would show all the fragmented "bits." So mostly, I would choose to de-fragment anyway.

Vista doesn't have the graphic, and tells me the same thing ... that it doesn't need to be de-fragged .. but not being able to "see" for myself, I don't know whether it is telling porkies or not :p

There is, of course, the option to allow Vista to de-frag at pre-set times, but I much prefer to be able to choose a time to suit (ok, call me a control freak ... but my reasoning behind this, is that if anything goes wrong, I can be around to re-start, click agreement to something - or not - etc. I don't expect that to make sense to the experts here, but if I knew as much as most of you, I'd have more confidence too :o)

So, what would be your advice regarding how-often to de-frag Vista - and is it better to avoid using other processes whilst it is happening please? I'd be interested to know what others running Vista usually do :nod:

Again, apologies for such a basic query, but thank you for reading :thumb:

I wouldn't worry about it running whilst you aren't there, as I've never heard of it go wrong before :thumb:

It doesn't need de-fragging any more than it did with XP, but when you see little coloured squares it does want to make you do it more often ;)

With regard to other processes, it is ideal if you don't have other things running - especially disk intensive applications. The reason being that applications may constantly write small bits of information which de-frag will just have to catch up on :)

I just de-frag when I remember - usually overnight when I don't notice it and I'm not using the PC. :nod:

I'm sure that doing it once a week in the middle of the night (if your PC is on) would keep things running in tip-top shape. If you prefer to be there, then once a month will be fine. :)
Taffycat said:
.. but not being able to "see" for myself, I don't know whether it is telling porkies or not

Hi TC,
I downloaded a very small free programme suggested by Mucks ( except I can't now find the link :mad: ) It is called Auslogics Free Defragger which you can Google up. It will dislay everything you want to see and is similar to the defragger in XP. It just might make you feel happier seeing what is going on when you defrag, even though Vista suggests you don't need it. :wave:
Thank you both

Ian - thank you for that explanation, it makes me feel a lot happier :thumb: (I'm not quite certain what I thought it might "get up to" in my absense, lol, but it's nice to have it confirmed that there are unlikely to be any nocturnal PC shenannigans :D ) It is only in recent months that I plucked up the courage to leave the PC running overnight, so I still have the odd little qualm to overcome ... daft eh? :rolleyes: :lol:

Nivrip - thank you too, now that you mention it, I too remember reading something about a system de-fragger, but like yourself, I couldn't find it here either. You did better than me by actually remembering the name though, so I will give it a Google in a minute, just to take a look, although I feel happier now that I have a time-scale to go on - as Ian suggested. :thumb: :D

Thank you gentlemen, much appreciated :D
Im just wondering if defraggers you can buy or get for free like O&O Defragger are actually any better than the defragger built into windows and if they actually do anything extra? If not then whats the point of them lol