One of the articles I read touting the new changes with VB.NET, mentioned that VB now optimized it's compilation so that
Line 605: Return
Line 606: Els
Line 607: If IsNothing(ts) Or ts.Length = 0 Then <-------This lin
Line 608: Return ds.Tables("CASE").Rows.Coun
Line 609: Els
should not crash when ts = nothing. The isNothing(ts) evaluates to TRUE, so the Or statement is true without checking the second half of the statement
The above lines of code are from the Exception screen displayed when the ts was discovered not to be a valid Object reference. That would only have been an error if it needlessly (and against the rule I recall reading, although to be honest, I can't (or won't) find them now)
Line 605: Return
Line 606: Els
Line 607: If IsNothing(ts) Or ts.Length = 0 Then <-------This lin
Line 608: Return ds.Tables("CASE").Rows.Coun
Line 609: Els
should not crash when ts = nothing. The isNothing(ts) evaluates to TRUE, so the Or statement is true without checking the second half of the statement
The above lines of code are from the Exception screen displayed when the ts was discovered not to be a valid Object reference. That would only have been an error if it needlessly (and against the rule I recall reading, although to be honest, I can't (or won't) find them now)