A true story... a call into my tech support dept.

Apr 5, 2005
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A women calls in for technical support. She is unable to browse certain interent sites. She is constantly getting an error message that states, this page cannot be displayed becasue your browser's cookies have not been enabled. So we explained to her that would simply have to enable cookies for her pc and it would work just fine.... She says hold on and then comes back to the phone after a minute or so. "Okay I added some cookies, now what ?"
---She actaully went to her kitchen and grabbed a bag of Chips Ahoy and added some cookies into the cd-rom drive.
Ha ha ha! :D Honestly, some women really let the side down!
I would love to work on one of these tech support lines, I bet some of the things that people say are beyond belief.

I deal with the public every day at work (albeit a very different 'trade') and some of the things that people say is quite amazing and it takes every ounce of professionalism not to laugh or to say something rather sharp/rude to the caller!!!!!!

In my line of work, I have been asked how to cook a chicken, how long frozen food will last if the electric has gone off and general advice for making credit gas and electric meters last longer when people are a bit short of money. I have been asked for money when it is said that the dog has eaten the DSS cheque/it has accidentally been blown into the fire!!!!! I have been asked to replace stolen Christmas trees/turkeys/presents (around the Christmas season)!!!!!!

Raje's post brought back some quite humourous memories for me, thanks for that!!!!

Gabs xx
Just read a few of the 'conversation's on Dark Angel's limk - hilarious!!!!!!

Gabs xx
I felt one more from me would be in good spirits.... now these are not made up, and I am also going to add a post a link for some more funny movies dealing with pc's.

A customer called in and stated that they were going to sue us for damaging thier scanner. It seems that our advice had caused some unreapirable damage to her scanner. She we asked what happened......
Customer...... "Well I called because the computer was acting funny, and the guy on the phone said I needed to run a virus scan and call back when the scan was done....well I scanned the computer and now neither one works.
Tech reply..... the scan didn't work, what antivirus program do you have, and what do you mean by neither one works?
Customer..... what I mean is that the stupid computer broke the scanner when I tried doing the scan like your guy told me to!!!!


and for some more movies invlving real dumb customer and techs who helped
check out this site....
http://geeksquad.com/main.asp go to 'About Geek Squad' then 'TV Spots' and then on the right side click "My Computer ate my cd"
I don't know what it is about other peoples misfortunes that makes them so funny.
Well, the individuals involved are just plain stupid in those cases. Kinda reminds me of a guy I used to work with, who just did the exact opposite of whatever he was told to do - I could never work out if he did it on purpose, or if he was genuinely stupid. :)
Loved the one about the Enter key and she was hitting the space key instead of the enter key, and she was an experienced user...No wonder they looked at each other in disbelief for 5 minutes......Unbelievable......:p
The story of the mouse that would overheat

I've got one from a couple years ago.

I received a support call from a female admin in our marketing department who has a reputation as a very nice admin who does a brilliant job but is very limited on the PC side. Her call stated that her mouse was overheating. I was going by the assumption that it simply quit working, was unplugged or had some other problem. I visited her desk and she repeated what she told us in the support call. I looked over and the desk lamp was right over the mouse pad. The black Dell mouse was hot to the touch. I simply moved the lamp back about 6 inches. She never called back about this problem again.
That is funny, I would have just turned it off and let her figure it out.

Well lets face it. If people did not do stuff like this, I would be out of a job.

Just for giggles, I checked on the price of that card. It is running for about $400 US.
OMG... I swear, they should make you take a test before your allowed to purchase and operate a pc. That one angers me, a piece of harware I dream about destroyed by some idiot who would never even get the full performance of it.

Like a fat guy who buys a race horse.....