Here's a strange problem. There are three machines each running xp
professional and each set up to accept remote connections, call them
computer A, B and C. I can connect from computer A to computer B, and from
the remote desktop on computer B connect to computer C but I can't connect
directly from computer A to computer C.
I can't ftp from computer A to C either but if I establish a remote
connection from A to B I can ftp from the remote desktop on B to C.
Something is strange on computer A as it can't initiate a connection to B
but can to C and C can to B.
Computers A and C are using cable connections both from the same service
provider and computer B is running a DSL connection from another provider
but I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
Any insights would be appreciated.
professional and each set up to accept remote connections, call them
computer A, B and C. I can connect from computer A to computer B, and from
the remote desktop on computer B connect to computer C but I can't connect
directly from computer A to computer C.
I can't ftp from computer A to C either but if I establish a remote
connection from A to B I can ftp from the remote desktop on B to C.
Something is strange on computer A as it can't initiate a connection to B
but can to C and C can to B.
Computers A and C are using cable connections both from the same service
provider and computer B is running a DSL connection from another provider
but I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
Any insights would be appreciated.