"seaside" <
[email protected]> wrote:
As voting seems to be such a contentious issue and appears to give rise to
endless flamewars when conducted within the group, why not just put it on
the web page then it will be annonymous. Then those who are really
interested can vote in peace and group can get on with its primary interest
I understand your concerns and apologize for my part in the
contentious threads.
The reason for the in group vote is that the site is supposed to be
derived from the wishes of the people who come here. The idea was a
democracy, and at this point I'm unsure a true democracy can really
work in this dynamic environment. There are many problems, like
validating the voters. It's a great idea. I'm not certain that it is
entirely practical though.
Still, everyone has an opinion and these are expressed and debated
within the threads, as this is of group concern. In most cases the
subject header reflects the content so that anyone uninterested can
skip or even filter the threads out completely. I added "-
Pricelessware" to your subject so that people can avoid even seeing
this thread... if they choose to do so. If they don't, so be it. The
choice is entirely up to each individual reader.
It might be best to reply to an existing thread to assure the ability
to "opt out" to other readers of ACF, rather than to generate a new
In the end, we do debate to extremes sometimes issues concerning
freeware and it's not always pleasant. It is group dynamics. I don't
personally know anyone here, but I sort of have a second family here
and we do not always agree completely.