I have promised Jay B yesterday to do some tests.
The subject was a string evaluation that Jon had send in. Jay B was in doubt
what was better because there was a discussion in the C# newsgroup on 25
September. The regular expressions where in that newsgroup too involved.
I told yesterday night, to Jay that I would test all 4 methods and the
stupid method I was thinking of the first time that night when I saw Jon's
code. Herfried said from that, that it would become slow with a string from
10Mb. So I told Herfried that I would make the test program if he would type
in a real mixed string for me. But till now he did not send that. (Or maybe
he has again problems with the newsgroup server)
To Jay B I told also that I would try to test extra the difference between
the Microsoft.visual basic function Instr and the system function indexof.
The methods I tested were:
- a do until method with index of (Jay B)
- a do method with Instr (Jon)
- the same I changed something to indexof (Jon)
Those works all with strings
The others only with characters as a search item
- a stupid method that only needs 2 lines code what became in my thoughts
yesterday night
- a indexof with a char (Jay B)
- a for each with a char (Jay B)
I made a test program that I send with this message beneath.
Because all is dependable on the computer you use, I don't give absolute
figures if you wish you can try it yourself. On my computer it is impossible
to see with any method a difference from more than 1/1000 of a second with a
string shorter than 5000 characters.
With more than that amount of characters that the stupid method I thought of
yesterday becomes visible slower.
When it are real long strings, than with a charsearch was in my test the
fastest method the "do for loop" with "indexof" and second was the for "each
char" both from Jay B.
But for me the most surprising was that the Microsoft.visualbasic function
with "Instr" from Jon was almost 2 times faster with a 3 character string
than the net.system method "indexoff".
I do the test program beneath; it is made with a windowsform project, and
need 2 textboxes from which textbox1 needs to have multi line true, a
button1 and a large label1.
Texbox1 is for the text to make a string with (automaticly made till
Herfried send his in).
Textbox2 the length of the text string to make (Yes you understand it
I hope this gives some idea's (too about some people who said the
microsoft.visualbasic functions are slow and outdated, This you can of
course not test with C#.)
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender _
As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Me.TextBox1.Text = "" Then
Me.label1.Text = "Enter strings in uper textbox"
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsNumeric(Me.TextBox2.Text) Then
Me.label1.Text = "Enter value in down textbox"
Exit Sub
End If
TestString.Build(Me.TextBox1.Text.ToString, CInt(Me.TextBox2.Text))
Dim delimiter As String
If TestString.StringToTest.Length > 3 Then
delimiter = TestString.StringToTest.Substring(0, 3)
Exit Sub
End If
Dim i As Integer
Dim labeltext As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim count As Integer
Dim testname As String
For i = 1 To 3
Dim StartTick As Integer = Environment.TickCount
Select Case i
Case 1
testname = "Jay B, string "
count = Test1(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
Case 2
testname = "Jon, string "
count = Test2(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
Case 3
testname = "Jon, but with indexof"
count = Test3(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
End Select
Dim Elapsed As Integer = Environment.TickCount - StartTick
labeltext.Append(testname & "count: " & _
count & " Elapsed : " & Elapsed.ToString & vbCrLf)
delimiter = delimiter.Substring(0, 1)
labeltext.Append("characters" & vbCrLf)
For i = 1 To 6
Dim StartTick As Integer = Environment.TickCount
Select Case i
Case 1
testname = "Jay B, string "
count = Test1(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
Case 2
testname = "Jon, string "
count = Test2(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
Case 3
testname = "Jon, but with indexof "
count = Test3(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
Case 4
If TestString.StringToTest.Length < 599999 Then
testname = "Cor stupid "
count = Test4(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
testname = "Skipped test"
End If
Case 5
testname = "Jay B char do until "
count = test5(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
Case 6
testname = "Jay B char for each "
count = test6(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
End Select
Dim Elapsed As Integer = Environment.TickCount - StartTick
labeltext.Append(testname & "count: " & _
count & " Elapsed : " & Elapsed.ToString & vbCrLf)
Me.label1.Text = labeltext.ToString
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal _
e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.Button1.Text = "start test"
End Sub
Public Function Test1(ByVal input As String, ByVal delimiter _
As String) As Integer 'Jay B 1(string)
Dim count, index As Integer
index = input.IndexOf(delimiter)
Do Until index < 0
count += 1
index = input.IndexOf(delimiter, index + 1)
Return count
End Function
Public Function Test2(ByVal strInput As String, ByVal strDelimiter _
As String) As Int32 'Jon (string)
Dim iStart As Int32, iCount As Int32, iResult As Int32
iStart = 1
iCount = 0
iResult = InStr(iStart, strInput, strDelimiter)
If iResult = 0 Then Exit Do
iCount += 1
iStart = iResult + 1
Return iCount
End Function
Public Function Test3(ByVal input As String, ByVal delimiter _
As String) As Integer 'Jon with indexof(x,x,x)
Dim iStart As Int32, iCount As Int32, iResult As Int32
iStart = 0
iCount = 0
iResult = input.IndexOf(delimiter, iStart)
If iResult = -1 Then Exit Do
iCount += 1
iStart = iResult + 1
Return iCount
End Function
Public Function Test4(ByVal input As String, ByVal delimiter _
As String) As Integer 'Cor stupid
Dim teststring As String() = Split(input, delimiter)
Return teststring.Length - 1
End Function
Public Function test5(ByVal input As String, ByVal _
delimiter As Char) As Integer 'Jay 1(char)
Dim count, index As Integer
index = input.IndexOf(delimiter)
Do Until index < 0
count += 1
index = input.IndexOf(delimiter, index + 1)
Return count
End Function
Public Shared Function test6(ByVal input As String, _
ByVal delimiter As Char) As Integer 'JayB 2(char)
Dim count As Integer
For Each ch As Char In input
If ch = delimiter Then
count += 1
End If
Next ch
Return count
End Function
End Class
Public Class TestString
Private Shared mStringTest As String
Public Shared ReadOnly Property StringToTest() As String
Return mStringTest
End Get
End Property
Public Shared Sub Build(ByVal strToTest As String, ByVal x As Integer)
Dim strTest As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim strTextbox As String() = Split(strToTest, vbCrLf)
Do While strTest.ToString.Length < x
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To strTextbox.Length - 1
Dim y As Integer
For y = 0 To i
If strTest.ToString.Length < x / 2 Then
strTest.Append(strTest.ToString & strTextbox(i))
strTest.Append(strTest.ToString.Substring(0, x / 2) _
& strTextbox(i))
End If
mStringTest = strTest.ToString.Substring(0, x)
End Sub
End Class
I have promised Jay B yesterday to do some tests.
The subject was a string evaluation that Jon had send in. Jay B was in doubt
what was better because there was a discussion in the C# newsgroup on 25
September. The regular expressions where in that newsgroup too involved.
I told yesterday night, to Jay that I would test all 4 methods and the
stupid method I was thinking of the first time that night when I saw Jon's
code. Herfried said from that, that it would become slow with a string from
10Mb. So I told Herfried that I would make the test program if he would type
in a real mixed string for me. But till now he did not send that. (Or maybe
he has again problems with the newsgroup server)
To Jay B I told also that I would try to test extra the difference between
the Microsoft.visual basic function Instr and the system function indexof.
The methods I tested were:
- a do until method with index of (Jay B)
- a do method with Instr (Jon)
- the same I changed something to indexof (Jon)
Those works all with strings
The others only with characters as a search item
- a stupid method that only needs 2 lines code what became in my thoughts
yesterday night
- a indexof with a char (Jay B)
- a for each with a char (Jay B)
I made a test program that I send with this message beneath.
Because all is dependable on the computer you use, I don't give absolute
figures if you wish you can try it yourself. On my computer it is impossible
to see with any method a difference from more than 1/1000 of a second with a
string shorter than 5000 characters.
With more than that amount of characters that the stupid method I thought of
yesterday becomes visible slower.
When it are real long strings, than with a charsearch was in my test the
fastest method the "do for loop" with "indexof" and second was the for "each
char" both from Jay B.
But for me the most surprising was that the Microsoft.visualbasic function
with "Instr" from Jon was almost 2 times faster with a 3 character string
than the net.system method "indexoff".
I do the test program beneath; it is made with a windowsform project, and
need 2 textboxes from which textbox1 needs to have multi line true, a
button1 and a large label1.
Texbox1 is for the text to make a string with (automaticly made till
Herfried send his in).
Textbox2 the length of the text string to make (Yes you understand it
I hope this gives some idea's (too about some people who said the
microsoft.visualbasic functions are slow and outdated, This you can of
course not test with C#.)
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender _
As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Me.TextBox1.Text = "" Then
Me.label1.Text = "Enter strings in uper textbox"
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsNumeric(Me.TextBox2.Text) Then
Me.label1.Text = "Enter value in down textbox"
Exit Sub
End If
TestString.Build(Me.TextBox1.Text.ToString, CInt(Me.TextBox2.Text))
Dim delimiter As String
If TestString.StringToTest.Length > 3 Then
delimiter = TestString.StringToTest.Substring(0, 3)
Exit Sub
End If
Dim i As Integer
Dim labeltext As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim count As Integer
Dim testname As String
For i = 1 To 3
Dim StartTick As Integer = Environment.TickCount
Select Case i
Case 1
testname = "Jay B, string "
count = Test1(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
Case 2
testname = "Jon, string "
count = Test2(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
Case 3
testname = "Jon, but with indexof"
count = Test3(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
End Select
Dim Elapsed As Integer = Environment.TickCount - StartTick
labeltext.Append(testname & "count: " & _
count & " Elapsed : " & Elapsed.ToString & vbCrLf)
delimiter = delimiter.Substring(0, 1)
labeltext.Append("characters" & vbCrLf)
For i = 1 To 6
Dim StartTick As Integer = Environment.TickCount
Select Case i
Case 1
testname = "Jay B, string "
count = Test1(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
Case 2
testname = "Jon, string "
count = Test2(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
Case 3
testname = "Jon, but with indexof "
count = Test3(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
Case 4
If TestString.StringToTest.Length < 599999 Then
testname = "Cor stupid "
count = Test4(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
testname = "Skipped test"
End If
Case 5
testname = "Jay B char do until "
count = test5(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
Case 6
testname = "Jay B char for each "
count = test6(TestString.StringToTest, delimiter)
End Select
Dim Elapsed As Integer = Environment.TickCount - StartTick
labeltext.Append(testname & "count: " & _
count & " Elapsed : " & Elapsed.ToString & vbCrLf)
Me.label1.Text = labeltext.ToString
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal _
e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.Button1.Text = "start test"
End Sub
Public Function Test1(ByVal input As String, ByVal delimiter _
As String) As Integer 'Jay B 1(string)
Dim count, index As Integer
index = input.IndexOf(delimiter)
Do Until index < 0
count += 1
index = input.IndexOf(delimiter, index + 1)
Return count
End Function
Public Function Test2(ByVal strInput As String, ByVal strDelimiter _
As String) As Int32 'Jon (string)
Dim iStart As Int32, iCount As Int32, iResult As Int32
iStart = 1
iCount = 0
iResult = InStr(iStart, strInput, strDelimiter)
If iResult = 0 Then Exit Do
iCount += 1
iStart = iResult + 1
Return iCount
End Function
Public Function Test3(ByVal input As String, ByVal delimiter _
As String) As Integer 'Jon with indexof(x,x,x)
Dim iStart As Int32, iCount As Int32, iResult As Int32
iStart = 0
iCount = 0
iResult = input.IndexOf(delimiter, iStart)
If iResult = -1 Then Exit Do
iCount += 1
iStart = iResult + 1
Return iCount
End Function
Public Function Test4(ByVal input As String, ByVal delimiter _
As String) As Integer 'Cor stupid
Dim teststring As String() = Split(input, delimiter)
Return teststring.Length - 1
End Function
Public Function test5(ByVal input As String, ByVal _
delimiter As Char) As Integer 'Jay 1(char)
Dim count, index As Integer
index = input.IndexOf(delimiter)
Do Until index < 0
count += 1
index = input.IndexOf(delimiter, index + 1)
Return count
End Function
Public Shared Function test6(ByVal input As String, _
ByVal delimiter As Char) As Integer 'JayB 2(char)
Dim count As Integer
For Each ch As Char In input
If ch = delimiter Then
count += 1
End If
Next ch
Return count
End Function
End Class
Public Class TestString
Private Shared mStringTest As String
Public Shared ReadOnly Property StringToTest() As String
Return mStringTest
End Get
End Property
Public Shared Sub Build(ByVal strToTest As String, ByVal x As Integer)
Dim strTest As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim strTextbox As String() = Split(strToTest, vbCrLf)
Do While strTest.ToString.Length < x
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To strTextbox.Length - 1
Dim y As Integer
For y = 0 To i
If strTest.ToString.Length < x / 2 Then
strTest.Append(strTest.ToString & strTextbox(i))
strTest.Append(strTest.ToString.Substring(0, x / 2) _
& strTextbox(i))
End If
mStringTest = strTest.ToString.Substring(0, x)
End Sub
End Class