A couple of weeks ago Mr Cat recommended a-squared as a specifically good
trojan-detecting tool, and after using their free online scanner to scan
specific files, or do smart scans a couple of times I thought it was worth
downloading & installing the free version of the program.
Having dones so, I ran a full system scan for the first time. It took a
while (30mins plus...) but what particularly impressed me was its method of
First, it detected a possible dialer 'heuristically', but warned very
clearly that this needed to be checked, that it might be a false positive,
and that I should not delete the file until I'd checked it out. (It turned
out to be a message tracer for my ISDN driver.)
Second, it detected mirc.exe which had shown up as a false positive on AVG
recently (and which I'd intended to uninstall but hadn't, and now really
will!). But it explained clearly that this was 'riskware', and explained what
it meant by that, and offered the option to ignore it in future.
So both detections were innocuous as it turns out - but what really
impressed me was the clarity with which the findings were presented and
explained, with options clearly and calmly presented. Thanks then to Mr Cat
for his recommendation, and I in my turn would like to recommend it to anyone
else who, like me, never quite understands what's going on and needs all the
'i's dotting and all the 't's crossed.
The online scanner, and links to download the onboard version are here:
trojan-detecting tool, and after using their free online scanner to scan
specific files, or do smart scans a couple of times I thought it was worth
downloading & installing the free version of the program.
Having dones so, I ran a full system scan for the first time. It took a
while (30mins plus...) but what particularly impressed me was its method of
First, it detected a possible dialer 'heuristically', but warned very
clearly that this needed to be checked, that it might be a false positive,
and that I should not delete the file until I'd checked it out. (It turned
out to be a message tracer for my ISDN driver.)
Second, it detected mirc.exe which had shown up as a false positive on AVG
recently (and which I'd intended to uninstall but hadn't, and now really
will!). But it explained clearly that this was 'riskware', and explained what
it meant by that, and offered the option to ignore it in future.
So both detections were innocuous as it turns out - but what really
impressed me was the clarity with which the findings were presented and
explained, with options clearly and calmly presented. Thanks then to Mr Cat
for his recommendation, and I in my turn would like to recommend it to anyone
else who, like me, never quite understands what's going on and needs all the
'i's dotting and all the 't's crossed.
The online scanner, and links to download the onboard version are here: