a special type of search form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Damien
  • Start date Start date


The list of all records you saw was probably a ListBox.
You can populate it using a query or table and use it's
double-click event to open a form based on the record that
has been clicked:


Private Sub List1_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

'Open the detail form based on the value that has been
double-clicked on the main form ListBox List1
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_detail", acNormal, , "staff_id = "
& Me.List1

'Use quotes for strings eg
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_detail", acNormal, , "staff_id = '" &
Me.List1 & "'"

End Sub

You can also set criteria in your query based on values on
your form. For example if form frm_main has a ComboBox
cmbTitle, you can set crtieria in your query like:

WHERE staff_title = [Forms]![frm_main]![cmbTitle]
OR surname = [Forms]![frm_main]![txtSurname]

If you then set the RowSource of your ListBox to the above
query, and Requery it using a CommandButton:

PrivateSub cmdSearch_Click()
End Sub

you should see the records in your Listbox change
according to the criteria you have entered.

It starts to get a bit more complicated from there, but
hopefully you get the idea !

Let me know how you get on.

Damien, this seems to be the right idea of doing this, I started trying this
last night and it seemed exactly what I needed. I'll experiment with what
you've given me in the next few days to get a real feel for it. Thanks so

- Matt

Damien said:
The list of all records you saw was probably a ListBox.
You can populate it using a query or table and use it's
double-click event to open a form based on the record that
has been clicked:


Private Sub List1_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

'Open the detail form based on the value that has been
double-clicked on the main form ListBox List1
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_detail", acNormal, , "staff_id = "
& Me.List1

'Use quotes for strings eg
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_detail", acNormal, , "staff_id = '" &
Me.List1 & "'"

End Sub

You can also set criteria in your query based on values on
your form. For example if form frm_main has a ComboBox
cmbTitle, you can set crtieria in your query like:

WHERE staff_title = [Forms]![frm_main]![cmbTitle]
OR surname = [Forms]![frm_main]![txtSurname]

If you then set the RowSource of your ListBox to the above
query, and Requery it using a CommandButton:

PrivateSub cmdSearch_Click()
End Sub

you should see the records in your Listbox change
according to the criteria you have entered.

It starts to get a bit more complicated from there, but
hopefully you get the idea !

Let me know how you get on.

-----Original Message-----
I used a database a while ago and it had this function which I'll explain
below - I'm wishing to be able to create it, although have tried a number of
ways with no success.

This is a form which is used to locate specific records. At the bottom of
the form would be a list of every record in the database, where if one
clicked on any record, a specific form would open up, displaying the
extensive information on that record. At the top of the form there were
several fields where one enters in the values they wish to match from the
data in the database (eg name, date, company, etc), each of them having a
button next to it to update the list below, hopefully to cull it down to a
few so that one can be selected from simply inspecting which is relevant. It
sounds like a filter set up, but I'm not sure how to set this up. Nor do I
know how to have it so you could dbl click on one of the records in the list
to open up a form displaying the more extensive details.

This may sound confusing, I hope it isn't too bad, coz I hate reading long
things, so thanks if you got to here. Any ideas, as you may tell, would be
greatly appreciated. Thanks

- Matt