A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host ...

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I have a customer where our application is installed. The Application
consists of two parts the client and the server. Both are 100% managed
applications that communicate via TCP/IP, binary formatter and .NET Remoting.

The main object of the server is a Session object that is configured as
sinlgeton. The host for the singleton object is a console application. Once
the console application is started it calls the approriate GetObject in order
to get access to the singleton object.

At the time we call any method of this object we get an execption of the form
A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host ...

I am pretty sure that this is a system configuration error that has to do
with DCHP and or DNS. We have hundreds of installations on complex netwroks
with VPN and LANs that work with no problem.
Can you please help me on what the system admin should check at the
customer's site ?

Thanks in advance