A small favour...


Mar 25, 2003
Reaction score
I have a small favour to ask of you all...

A friend from work supports a charity that gives aid and support to disadvantaged chilldren in Romania - Nightingales Childrens Project. Recently, it has been nominated along with other charities to receive a proportion of royalties from a new book - How to Give to Charity by Jessica Willams. There is a poll on the book's site where you can nominate charities to receive royalties and/or vote for already nominated charities. It is not doing very well at the moment - so your vote is very important!

If you have a spare minute, please could you head on over to How to give to Charity and vote for Nightingales Childrens Project (there is some info about it here)

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! :)
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Stu's right, Theres a space after the .org ;)

I've just done it. :)
It pains me slighty to say Sorry I wont be passing a vote for any individual charity but all of them. They are all important and so deserve such attention.

No such thing as favouritism when it comes to lives!
Bex - I've done it :thumb:

I hope you don't mind, but I also submitted another vote under a different email for the Marie Curie Nurses - they spent many hours overnight looking after my Dad at home to give my step-mum a rest :)
Sexy Bex said:
Thanks! Any more voters?? ;)
Yes, the old slow-coach! ;) Didn't see the original post, but I'm all signed up for you.

Hope it all goes according to plan :thumb: