Hi there agian...
i was looking for the answer on msdn web site but it couldn't solved my Q!>>
You'll need the following files for your application to run on your Web
server: .aspx, .asmx, .ascx, .ashx, .css, and web.config. In addition,
you'll need the contents of the \bin directory (most importantly the
assembly produced by the build process) and the contents of auxiliary
directories (like images). Be sure to include any shared assemblies your
application might need. Note that you do not need to include source code
written using C# or Visual Basic .NET, project files, or resource files.
After the files are included in the Visual Studio Web Setup Project,
highlight that project in the Solution Explorer and build it. A Microsoft
Install file (MSI) and a setup file you can run on the target machine will
But I did as the article siad but my aspx page didn't worked!!!!
any way
thanK yUo much
Sam alavi: (e-mail address removed)