Windows XP a silly question

Oct 11, 2006
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hey guys I hope you help my on this one
I want to send my computer to another country but somebody told me that it wont work in any other contry because I need to adjust the settings or something like that. if you guys know anything about it I would I apprecited.
one more question. how can I set the computer to dysplay everything in other languge?
thank you guys in advance.:)
The only "problem" that used to need some care was ... what voltage was the electricity supply ... USA uses 110V, UK uses 240V ... if you didn't flick a switch and bought the PC in the USA, it would go bang.

This, fortunately, don't happen with a modern PCs PSU ... it auto-detects the mains supply.

Different language packs can be bought or downloaded.

thank you very much for the tip muckshifter
I hope some day, I can help people the same way you guys do