stormrider said:
Ok, regarding water cooling, do the pumps get noisy with time?
They *start* that way!
There was all this whining about Zalman pumps lately. Anyone with long term
I don't know, I use an Eheim 1260, which is significantly larger
that most systems need.
Of various commercial systems that I've delt with, pumps only
started making *different* noise when something was going wrong.
Bad bearings, no liquid, high pressure, etc cause changes in the
Basically, my main concern is long term performance. The fans last a very
long time without much degradation (if the dust is removed)
Pumps and fans both vary in quality. I don't really know much
about pumps, and selected mine based on ratings required and the
reputation of the manufacturer. There weren't that many to
choose from.
With fans there are many many choices. Things like ball
vs. sleeve bearings are important, but another not well known
difference is how they are mounted. If the shaft is horizontal,
they will last longer. But if the air flow has to be vertical,
it makes a *huge* difference which way the fan is oriented. If
the blades are below the motor, the bearings will wear out
faster on most fans (*significantly* faster). Hence it is
important, if that is the mounting required, to get a fan that
blows air in the right direction when *properly* mounted.
Otherwise it will likely fail in less than two years rather than
working for the next decade or so.
Now how about the pipes (probably ok - is thermal liquid corrosive?) and the
Plastic tubing comes in different types, and some will
definitely last longer than others. The liquid isn't corrosive.
Then the noise of the pump.
I had a water fountain and the pump was clearly audible. Don't know if that
has to do with the noise being carried through the whole water system
I made no effort to mount everything inside a computer case, and
was far more interested in the mechanism than in the resulting
computer as such. That meant I could try various things to see
what the effect was, and certainly there are differences in how
one can mount a pump to prevent noise. Submersed vs
non-submersed, shock mounted, enclosed in a padded box,
etc. etc.