A script on this page....IE7



Since installing IE7, if I leave the PC for say half an hour with no
applications open, when I return there is a pop-up menu with the message "A
scipt on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly." It then
gives you the option of stopping the script (whatever that might mean).
I've searched the Internet but can only find highly technical answers to
this problem, primarily related to writing bits of Java script to anihilate
the offending script.
I have another almost identical PC, also running XP Pro on a fast processor
and with 512 MB RAM but that does not display this message.
Microsoft also has a reference to this message but from some time ago. I
have modified the registry as they suggest but to no avail.

Does anyone have a semi-techical or even non-technical answer?


Jon Kennedy



Jon Kennedy said:
How to set time-out period for script
Updated Nov. 2nd and applies to IE7. Reboot may be necessary for this to
take effect.

If no joy -

Users of IE7 are asked to post their comments to
microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general newsgroup.

On the web:

In your newsreader:


Jon R. Kennedy MS MVP/IE
Charlotte, NC USA
(e-mail address removed)
I have tried this but to no avail. Difficult to know just how high to set
it. It is now at 10,000,000.



Jon Kennedy said:
How to set time-out period for script
Updated Nov. 2nd and applies to IE7. Reboot may be necessary for this to
take effect.

If no joy -

Users of IE7 are asked to post their comments to
microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general newsgroup.

On the web:
In fact, it was set to 6,000,000 so I have now increased it to 10,000,000.

Thanks for the reference to the updated version. However, in best MS style,
I find this document to be about as ambiguous as it could be. It gives no
indication as to what the correct figure should be and it finishes by saying
there is no guarantee that the problem can be fixed.

My national ISP does not carry the internetexplorer.general newsgroup
although I can access it otherwise and will report this there.


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