& I guess I'm too hard.
Normally I don't favour the death penalty.
But in this case there is no doubt.
& when there is no doubt, I'm afraid I'm not inclined to get all warm & fuzzy.
&, of course, that big moral question... would you pull the trigger yourself?
It is no different than if he had murdered MY children.
& I would kill to avenge them.
If there was no doubt.
So yes. I would pull that trigger myself.
Like I said,
In some respects,
perhaps I am too hard.
My only concerns would be...
Do we want to risk making a Martyr of this man?
He still has a very 'dedicated' following.
&, of course,
There is always the
"let him who is without sin...."
Not many governments can stand up to that one.
A big disadvantage of Tyranny really,
Makes it so much harder to hide the evidence in layers of beuraucracy.