Hi all, basically what im trying to create is a spreadsheet showing ho
many payments i have left on an item i purchased. Now i pay $100 o
this item on every 2nd friday. So my question is, what is a formul
that will look at todays date and reconise that it is the second frida
when payment is due and reduce a given figure in a cell by $100. Fo
example, Total cost is $1000, payments = $100, payments are due o
07/10/05, 21/10/05, 04/11/05 etc So when the 07/10/05 arrives tota
cost will = $900, when 21/10/05 arrives total cost will = 800 etc
Obviously when the date is other than specified the total cost dosn
Hopefully i have made my self clear and somebody can help out with th
Many thanks
many payments i have left on an item i purchased. Now i pay $100 o
this item on every 2nd friday. So my question is, what is a formul
that will look at todays date and reconise that it is the second frida
when payment is due and reduce a given figure in a cell by $100. Fo
example, Total cost is $1000, payments = $100, payments are due o
07/10/05, 21/10/05, 04/11/05 etc So when the 07/10/05 arrives tota
cost will = $900, when 21/10/05 arrives total cost will = 800 etc
Obviously when the date is other than specified the total cost dosn
Hopefully i have made my self clear and somebody can help out with th
Many thanks