a really annoying pop-up window



there's this pop-up window entitled duf that pops up every say 10 minutes
whether you're on the internet or not. It advertises different things like
screensavers, dating sites. How can I remove this?

Jan Il

Hi :)

You don't mention the version of Windows you are using, but, try the
following and see if it helps:

Download, install and immediately update the following and run and Safe Mode
with Hidden Files enabled

AdAware SE - Update immediately after installing
How to Restart in Safe Mode
How to Show Hidden Files


Numerous Popups even when not connected to IE

Courtesy of Jim Byrd -

Messenger Service Window That Contains an Internet Advertisement
which identifies reasons to keep this service and steps to take if you do.

You can test your system and follow the 'Prevention' link to get additional
information here:
http://www.mynetwatchman.com/winpopuptester.asp Unless you have very good
reasons to keep this active, it should be turned off in Win2k and XP. Go
here and do what it says:
http://www.itc.virginia.edu/desktop/docs/messagepopup/ or, even better, get
MessageSubtract, free, here, which will give you flexible control of the
service and viewing of these messages:

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
MS MVP - Windows IE/OE [DTS/AumHa]
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