I have an NX9420 HP laptop (I actually have two of them)
The one in question is a 2.0ghz, centrino duo, but even when I first
got it, it seemed to take longer to boot up... XP SP3, with most
hotfixes installed when necessary.
The one I was using "primarily", seemed to of crapped out after an
addition of 1GB of memory and an HP webcam (1.3mp). Right after
this, the stop errors (BSoD) made their grand appearance...
parms: (0X80005490,000000000,000000008, 80005490)
possible reasons: bad device driver.
0x3D: or 0x8D (nothing)
poss Reason: faulty driver/buggy s/w
I removed the s/w associated with the webcam.
and disconnected the webcam.
reason: bad usb driver
0x50: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA (win32k.sys address: BF8071CD)
reason: efective memory (including main memory, L2 RAM cache, video
RAM) or incompatible software (including remote control and antivirus
software) might cause this Stop message, as may other hardware
problems (faulty h/w, bad device drivers, overheating issues, s/w
doing things it shouldn't be doing)
I checked the system error files...
ERRORS in the system file: MgiSvr invalid current state '32'
Did a chkdsk /P and fixed any errors on the drive, though, I was
thinking I was dealing with a motherboard that was on it's way out.
also did a system restore back about 6 days to erase anything that
*might* of been causing these conditions to come up.
2 days later after no issues....
turning it on, I did a search on the computer that resulted in 1200
files. I chose one of the files, with no internet running and a
mail program also on and then got the next BSoD, not once, but twice
doing ALMOST THE SAME EXACT PROCESS. Webcam was not hooked up.
reason: (1) Hardware failures. (2) Software problems. (3) A bound
trap (i.e., a condition that the kernel is not allowed to have or
intercept). Hardware failures are the most common cause (many dozen KB
articles exist for this error referencing specific hardware failures)
and, of these, memory hardware failures are the most common.
So, after reading this (on my second computer of the same name), I
pulled the added memory from the "problem machine". What happened
then was upon booting it up, I got a black screen with no BIOS
(bench), in the "locked position"
I put the memory back in, same result
I pulled both memories and the hard drive, and got the same result..
I put the hard drive in this second unit and this is what I'm using to
type this message to you today. Umm, I'm not thinking there's a
problem with the drive but something hardware related.
My question is, is the motherboard gone? This is my thinking. I
just want to get your expert knowledge ,those who have had to deal
with this series of events leading to this machine becoming an
expensive paperweight.
thanks for your input.
The one in question is a 2.0ghz, centrino duo, but even when I first
got it, it seemed to take longer to boot up... XP SP3, with most
hotfixes installed when necessary.
The one I was using "primarily", seemed to of crapped out after an
addition of 1GB of memory and an HP webcam (1.3mp). Right after
this, the stop errors (BSoD) made their grand appearance...
parms: (0X80005490,000000000,000000008, 80005490)
possible reasons: bad device driver.
0x3D: or 0x8D (nothing)
poss Reason: faulty driver/buggy s/w
I removed the s/w associated with the webcam.
and disconnected the webcam.
reason: bad usb driver
0x50: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA (win32k.sys address: BF8071CD)
reason: efective memory (including main memory, L2 RAM cache, video
RAM) or incompatible software (including remote control and antivirus
software) might cause this Stop message, as may other hardware
problems (faulty h/w, bad device drivers, overheating issues, s/w
doing things it shouldn't be doing)
I checked the system error files...
ERRORS in the system file: MgiSvr invalid current state '32'
Did a chkdsk /P and fixed any errors on the drive, though, I was
thinking I was dealing with a motherboard that was on it's way out.
also did a system restore back about 6 days to erase anything that
*might* of been causing these conditions to come up.
2 days later after no issues....
turning it on, I did a search on the computer that resulted in 1200
files. I chose one of the files, with no internet running and a
mail program also on and then got the next BSoD, not once, but twice
doing ALMOST THE SAME EXACT PROCESS. Webcam was not hooked up.
reason: (1) Hardware failures. (2) Software problems. (3) A bound
trap (i.e., a condition that the kernel is not allowed to have or
intercept). Hardware failures are the most common cause (many dozen KB
articles exist for this error referencing specific hardware failures)
and, of these, memory hardware failures are the most common.
So, after reading this (on my second computer of the same name), I
pulled the added memory from the "problem machine". What happened
then was upon booting it up, I got a black screen with no BIOS
(bench), in the "locked position"
I put the memory back in, same result
I pulled both memories and the hard drive, and got the same result..
I put the hard drive in this second unit and this is what I'm using to
type this message to you today. Umm, I'm not thinking there's a
problem with the drive but something hardware related.
My question is, is the motherboard gone? This is my thinking. I
just want to get your expert knowledge ,those who have had to deal
with this series of events leading to this machine becoming an
expensive paperweight.
thanks for your input.