A question about strange code?

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I have signed up to a dotnet hosting account and I have a dotnet app
called CommunityServer, which allows me to setup my own news
forums. The path of one of my forums (the third one) is


I have looked in my ftp space, and although I was able to find
ShowForum.aspx, I was not able to fing a subdirectory "/3" -
this is my first question, i.e. were is it.

The second question is, assuming I do find the correct ShowForum.aspx
file, I would like to add to it some code of my own, however, when I
looked at this file I couldn't understand one bit of code, and as far as
I understand asp/x this is a very strange file, it goes like this:

<%@ Page SmartNavigation="False" Language="C#" enableViewState = "false" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="CS" Namespace="CommunityServer.Controls"
Assembly="CommunityServer.Controls" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="CSD"
Assembly="CommunityServer.Discussions" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="CommunityServer.Discussions.Components" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="CommunityServer.Components" %>

<CS:MPContainer runat="server" id="MPContainer" ThemeMasterFile =
"ForumMaster.ascx" >
<CS:MPContent id="bcr" runat="server">
<CSD:ThreadView runat="server" id="Threadview1" />
<CS:MPContent id="rcr" runat="server" >
<div class="CommonSidebar">
<div class="CommonSidebarArea">
<h4 class="CommonSidebarHeader"><CS:ResourceLabel runat="server"
ResourceName="Shortcuts" id="Resourcelabel7"/></h4>
<div class="CommonSidebarContent">
<CSD:ForumLinkBar runat="Server" ID="Forumlinkbar1"/>
<div class="CommonSidebarArea">
<h4 class="CommonSidebarHeader">
<cs:ResourceControl ResourceName="PopularTags" runat="server" />
<div class="CommonSidebarContent">
ommonTag1" runat="server" id="TagCloud" MaximumNumberOfTags="25"
ShowTagCounts="false" IgnoreFilterTags="true"
CssClass="CommonSidebarTagCloud" />
<div class="CommonSidebarFooter">
<a href="<%=SiteUrls.Instance().TagsHome %>"><cs:ResourceControl
ResourceName="ViewAllTags" runat="server" ID="Resourcecontrol2"

Does anyone know what all these xml means, and how can I add, for
example, a bit of code that just prints "hello world" to the screen.
I know this is c#, but I think if I have the vb answer I would be able
to convert to c#.


This is a dotnet vb language code newsgroup.
What you show us is the XML code around an ASPX webpage.

Probably you get more and maybe better answers in the newsgroup.


