A question about messenger.


Patrick G.

Ok, so I disabled windows messenger because I don't use
instant messenging systems these days and it was
constantly opening itself whenever I used outlook, then
half the time refusing to close, even after outlook an
explorer were shut down.

I know that Outlook Express (my current e-mail client)
draws from the Messenger APIs (no shock there), what did
shock me is the MASSIVE (15 to 30 second) delay that
disabling messenger caused in the load-time for outlook

I'm running a maching with a 2.12 ghz proc and 512
megabytes of ram, there is no excuse for it taking 30
seconds to load an e-mail client, that's just silly.

Is there any way to add in the messenger APIs as part of
OE without having invasive, annoying messenger always
opening itself and then refusing to close?

Jonathan Kay [MVP]


Patrick G.

Jonathan -

Just ran your fix, tested it. SWEET! Load time is about
2 seconds now.

I know how thankless a job this can be (have worked tech
support and house calls in the past). So: THANK YOU!
You're the man. I appreciate the help.

Thanks again!

- Patrick

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