The reason I asked why you ran stinger is because there is growing "grape vine" of
information that it is a cure-all utility. If you ran an up-to-date AV scanner it should
detect anything the Stinger would detect. However, the ENGINE built into Stinger is
different and lends itself to an improved removal utility.
Good luck...
| Hi Dave!
| > Jan:
| >
| > Is there a reason you ran Stinger ?
| Yes, it was suggested that I might also do so, as I have been having some
| problems with programs and system features behaving oddly the past month or
| so, especially, the past two weeks. Thus, in addition to a numerous hours of
| troubleshooting and research, in-depth cleanup of some residual files from
| programs that have been uninstalled, running my SpyBot, Adaware and AV,
| v16PowerTool and the Find in the Registry, to eliminate as many possible
| contributors as I can, I decided to run the Stinger as well.
| This more as an additional precaution than suspecting or knowing of a
| particular virus or other system foe. It was my understanding that it should
| not cause any harm to my system to run it without known cause, so I saw no
| harm in doing so just to be sure, in case for some reason my AV and the
| others did not have the same detection information. Was my understanding on
| this aspect incorrect? I have not as yet experienced any adverse effects
| from doing so.
| >
| > Stinger only targets some 36 Internet worm and their variants so unless
| the infector is one
| > of the 33 listed in the following URL, the utility won't help you. -
| >
http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/ (or PWS-Narod, PWS-sincom.dll or
| NTServiceLoader)
| I did read the information regarding the types of files and what the program
| targets. But, not being familiar with the program, I was just not sure what
| areas would be necessary to check for a single machine home user, as opposed
| to someone with a home network setup, or a company multi-user system.
| > I suggest checking the following properties...
| > Boot sectors
| > Report applications
| > Scan all files
| > Scan self extracting executables
| > Check file for MIME content
| > Check file for UUencoded content
| I will go back and run it for any of these additional properties it may not
| have already checked.
| >
| Thank you very much for your time and information, I really do appreciate
| it.
| Jan

| >
| >
| | > | Hi all -
| > |
| > | I downloaded and ran the McAfee AVERT Stinger. It found nothing, which
| is
| > | good, but, the scan target was only set to Processes. I noticed there
| was
| > | also a selection for Boot Sector. Is this something I should also scan?
| > |
| > | I'd truly appreciate any input on this.
| > |
| > | Best regards,
| > | Jan

| > |
| > |
| > |
| >
| >