A program that can do this?

Nov 23, 2004
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lo all i am new to the boards and modding my pc to0, i am going to upgrade my pc in january (more on that in the future) but for now as my pc is a dell that i have had for two years, i dont know what componants (apart from things like graphics card.. geforce 4 mx 420 and my p4 2.2) any who...is there any way i can find out what mobo i have and ddr ram that i have ect with some sort of program... is there such a thing? ( or will i have to open my pc up?)
My word of advice, whether you choose to take it or not, is to never buy a PC in january.

Why you ask?

The prices will be half what they were in january about May/June time.

I have upgraded computer twice, both in january, and almost immediatly the prices plummeted.

You wont need to open PC up, there are programs that will identify what you have in your computer. If you were to build a new one you would need:

ATX Case
Power Supply (The branded ones are good)
Processor and Cooler
RAM (Memory)
Graphics Card (AGP or PCI-E)
Hard Drive (IDE or SATA)
CD/DVD Drive
Floppy Drive
Cables (Rounded much better)
Case Fans (to suck in and out the air)
Cable Ties

... And any other additional devices you need e.g. Modem etc etc

Motherboards nowadays generally have onboard LAN, Audio and USB etc etc

Reale said:
lo all i am new to the boards and modding my pc to0, i am going to upgrade my pc in january (more on that in the future) but for now as my pc is a dell that i have had for two years, i dont know what componants (apart from things like graphics card.. geforce 4 mx 420 and my p4 2.2) any who...is there any way i can find out what mobo i have and ddr ram that i have ect with some sort of program... is there such a thing? ( or will i have to open my pc up?)
Hello Reale, wecome to PCReview. :D

Your Dell should have a "make & model number" somewhere about its person, with that we will be able to give more advice.

Failing that, download Everest and it will give you the information.

Oh, and anytime is a bad time to buy a PC. ;)