A plea for the reinstatement of IDL

  • Thread starter Thread starter Richard Blewett [DevelopMentor]
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Richard Blewett [DevelopMentor]

Myself and others who have a serious investment in IDL have formed a
petition to get Microsoft to get IDL out of the sidelines and back in to a
mainstream language. Its about time we had a proper IDL editor in VS.NET for
a start. Microsoft need to start thinking about where they got that idea for
attributes in square brackets and give IDL its due.

Sign up at http://www.classicidl.org today
David Levine said:
Great idea....let's do the same for DDE and 16 bit operating systems!

I remember one company pleading that the IP protocol should not be included
in windows. Making it free was ok, they said, but the user should have to go
to the MS site and download and install it themselves and have the choice to
use an IP protocol from another company if they so desired.


I'm sorry, but I--like many others--am unable to sympathize with you on
this one. I'm not questioning the merits of IDL, or its ODL heritage.
Far from it.

But... IDL will always be associated with COM in my mind, and that is
enough to drive me into a vomiting fit at the mere mention of it. Not
that COM was bad; on the contrary, it started as the emodiment of
everything that was simple, pure, and OOP in the world.

Then sh-... I mean feces started to pile on that icon of purity. And It
seemed like Microsoft was hell-bent on making the simplest task
disgusting to do in COM, and difficult tasks impossible.

So, I for one am more than happy to see COM fade away. And by
association, IDL can also take that overdue retirement it deserves.

Cheers mate.
Mohammad said:
I'm sorry, but I--like many others--am unable to sympathize with you on
this one. I'm not questioning the merits of IDL, or its ODL heritage.
Far from it.

But... IDL will always be associated with COM in my mind, and that is
enough to drive me into a vomiting fit at the mere mention of it. Not
that COM was bad; on the contrary, it started as the emodiment of
everything that was simple, pure, and OOP in the world.

Then sh-... I mean feces started to pile on that icon of purity. And It
seemed like Microsoft was hell-bent on making the simplest task
disgusting to do in COM, and difficult tasks impossible.

So, I for one am more than happy to see COM fade away. And by
association, IDL can also take that overdue retirement it deserves.

I think you missed the point of the site, which is a spoof of the VB6

Just look at the names: "Geoffrey Rickder", "Joe on Software" and look
at the "languages" it's been translated into...
How DARE you insult IDL like that? IDL isn't ready to retire, hell it's not
even old enough to drive! I say more IDL, more, more! Ah, the sweet, sweet
vistas of pure interfaces without some drooling moron's implementation code.
Aw, no fair, it's not 12 o'clock yet!

Jon Skeet said:
I think you missed the point of the site, which is a spoof of the VB6

Just look at the names: "Geoffrey Rickder", "Joe on Software" and look
at the "languages" it's been translated into...
I also remember trying to write my drivers/DDE server to be able to use any
vendor's TCP stack - what a PITA THAT was.
I loved this!

"We believe the best way to meet these objectives is for Microsoft to
include an updated version of MIDL.EXE with the Microsoft.NET Platform SDK.
For brevity we'll call this update "DRIVL" (Domain Requirements Interface
and Versioning Language)."

Best joke of the night!

--- Nick Malik [Microsoft]
MCSD, CFPS, Certified Scrummaster

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this forum are my own, and not
representative of my employer.
I do not answer questions on behalf of my employer. I'm just a
programmer helping programmers.