A new dog hopefully

Jul 11, 2010
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During this month we have been visiting the Dogs Trust. What happened was Sarah was supporting a member who was having a disciplinary and I decided that whilst she was doing that I would have a look at the dogs they have there having no intention of falling for one at all. Well I was looking around and saw one who was rely not happy being on show and was jumping up at the glass, so I enquired at the desk about him. Apparently he and his brother were saved by passers by from the owner who was trying to drown them and the people took him to the Dogs Trust he was 8 weeks old. Later a family adopted him but after a while he was brought back to the home as he had snapped at the adult male and they were concerned about the children.
He is now 14 months old, very nervous and institutionalised very fond of the kennel maid who looks after him so it has take all month to gain his trust, anyway next week on Friday he is being coming on a home visit and hopefully staying, Brandy and he get on and I think she has missed the doggy company of the boys Laddy and Jesse who passed away during the year. So keep your fingers crossed that things go all right. We Have to go to an adoption meeting on Wednesday and on Friday he will come to us to stay.
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Hope it all works out, he will be coming to a good home, with good people that will look after him :D
Aaahh hate hearing any animal being mistreated

Hope you have lots of good times with him and he and Brandy become doggy friends..:thumb:
What lovely news Bootneck. It's heartwarming to hear that you are adopting a dog who needs a loving home and a new start. He is going to be one very happy lad, not only gaining a very caring human family, but a welcoming doggie companion too.

Is he a Heinz 57? Or a particular breed? I'll bet you can hardly wait for next Friday to come around. All the best to you and hope the adoption will go smoothly for all concerned.
He is a bit like old Jesse was, he has collie, lab and retriever in him black body, short hair with white nose and feet, his real problem he is very nervous. Judging by his behaviour he has been kicked and hit by a man at some time, he is more comfortable in the company of a woman and that is where the effort has got to come is getting him to trust me, but it is coming, any quick movement he ether shies away or cowers. It is allowing him to come to me on his terms and allowing trust to build.:)
Bootneck said:
...he has collie, lab and retriever in him
Sounds like a nice combination, Bootneck. Poor lad, it's heartbreaking when a dog (or any pet animal for that matter) cringes and cowers so easily, but one of the best feelings in the world, when you gradually earn their trust. :nod:

I'm sure he will soon learn from yourself and Mrs Bootneck, that not all humans are as bad as the ones who were previously in his life. He is going to be one very happy dog. :)
Always nice to hear of a dog that had been mistreated, hopefully, ending up in a home where he will be well cared for. :thumb:

Hope it all works out for you, and him.
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:wave:Thanks for the good wishes everyone:bow:I will keep you informed when we have him (hopefully) on Friday.;)