Given some text that looks like:
random Text Key 1.00
More random Text
Item more random text = "Wanted1", "More random Text"
even more random Text
Item more random text = "Wanted2", "Quoted Random Text" more Random Text
even more random Text
even more random Text
even more random Text
even more random Text
(where the random Text does not contain "Item", "=", or any """")
I would like to, in one Regex, capture such that
Group(1) = 1.00
Group(2) = Wanted1
Group(3) = Wanted2
I have been reduced to using 2 Regexs:
Key (\d\.\d+) -- to capture the 1.00 and
Item[^=]+=\s?"(\w+)" to capture Wanted1 and Wanted2
All attempts to combine the two Regexs result in (at best):
Group(1) = 1.00
Group(2) = Wanted2
I understand that the greedy match leads me to this result, but it seems to
me that this should be doable in 1 Regex.
random Text Key 1.00
More random Text
Item more random text = "Wanted1", "More random Text"
even more random Text
Item more random text = "Wanted2", "Quoted Random Text" more Random Text
even more random Text
even more random Text
even more random Text
even more random Text
(where the random Text does not contain "Item", "=", or any """")
I would like to, in one Regex, capture such that
Group(1) = 1.00
Group(2) = Wanted1
Group(3) = Wanted2
I have been reduced to using 2 Regexs:
Key (\d\.\d+) -- to capture the 1.00 and
Item[^=]+=\s?"(\w+)" to capture Wanted1 and Wanted2
All attempts to combine the two Regexs result in (at best):
Group(1) = 1.00
Group(2) = Wanted2
I understand that the greedy match leads me to this result, but it seems to
me that this should be doable in 1 Regex.