Windows XP A must for everyone with 2 or more displays

Aug 12, 2004
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I have been browsing the net and have come accross a program that is extreamly useful. I have duel 17" LCD's and wanted to have different backgrounds on each, i did a google seach and it came up with a thread in a forum, in that thread someone posted the link to a program... here it is:

UltraMon -

It dosent just let you have different backgrounds, it lets you have a taskbar on each of your other displays just as you have on the main one, listing all programs open on that display.

You can have seperate screensavers for each display as well!

The program is free to try, but that only lasts 30 days. When i first downloaded it, i thought it would be like most programs you get from the net - spyware infested, adverts, and very tacky looking, but infact if someone told me that it came with windows, i would have believed them, it is so good!

-- I am nothing to do with the makers of this program, i am just amazed at how useful it has been to me

If you have more than 1 monitor, get this program! it is worth the registration fee (i havent done it yet, but will)

nice ...


I have a different background/screen/programs running/Icons on all 4 of mine. :cool:

... Linux

Fantastic find there KGB :D When I trialled dual monitors I wondered how on earth to do this!
Ian Cunningham said:
Fantastic find there KGB :D When I trialled dual monitors I wondered how on earth to do this!

I was getting annoyed with having to go back to monitor #1 to change what was loaded on #2

I couldn't cope without duel displays now!