Windows XP A little knowledge is a dangerous thing...

Feb 7, 2013
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Where to start - have been trying to breathe new life into my old laptop (XP SP3) by installing Softphone software so I can (Video)chat with friends. Ran into trouble, tried to fix it myself, just made matters worse.

I can tell you this much;

  1. Start/Run/msconfig gives error message "...Not Found..."
  2. Registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\
    Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\MSCONFIG.EXE ; MSCONFIG.EXE does not exist
  3. My Computer/Properties/Advanced/Environmental Variables/Path/Edit ends in "Program Files\Quicktime\QTSystem\
  4. Start/Run/sfc/scannow hangs up with message "Files that are required for Windows to run properly must be copied to the DLL cache - Insert CD now (I don't have the install disk)
  5. Malware removal tools fail to install with error message as follows: CoCreateInstance failed, Code 0x80040154 Class Not Registered; further fails with message "Run-Time error '372' Failed to load control 'WebBrowser' from ieframe.dll. Your version of ieframe.dll may be outdated. Make sure you are using the version of the control that was provided with your applcation.

Any and all assistance would be most appreciated!
Have run or attempted to run several different free on-line products such as Windows Defender, IoBit ASC, AVG, MalwareBytes, McAfee Stinger, etc. Sometimes they will install and othertimes they won't. Sometimes they show a virus being removed, usually they do not. I generally uninstall them after use so as not to conflict with other products. Have spent/wasted time on the Microsoft website and looking through other forums. Definite case of "Too many cooks spoil the broth". I can, and will gladly follow a single set of instructions, should someone with the requisite knowledge care to help yet another newbie with the same old lament - "If I had known how much trouble it was going to be trying to do it myself, I never would have started" :cry:
yes, you have a virus ... strongly suggest you "clean-install" your system and have a good antivirus program on hand to be the first program you install.

Have you tried "for now" doing a system restore?

Oh and BTW don't download ya programs from sites they don't belong on suggesting they are free ;)
Thanks to all.

  1. All of the software I have downloaded has come direct from the vendor's website or a reasonable trustworthy source like CNET.
  2. Yes, I am aware of Skype, but there are issues with cross-platform functionality.
  3. I am not sure what point in time I would pick for a System Restore, as I have never had to do so and don't know what that would do to programs installed/data created since the System Restore point.
  4. "The Word" seems more like "The Bomb". Suggesting as a first option reformatting your hard drive is even more overkill than using an elephant gun to kill a mosquito. If it comes to that, then fine. But exactly what information have I provided thus far that even vaguely suggests my PC is so hopelessly infected that I should throw out the bathwater, baby and all? Kindly refer to my initial post, citing if possible the specific observations I reported in the numbered list, not the generic ones made in my opening mia culpa.
Thank you!
my experience suggest to me, you are infected ... prove me wrong, go to Bleeping computers and let them help you further.
