I use a spreadsheet to trend multiple elements by date. Auto-filter selects
which element is charted. Some of the graphs (I have 6 graphs, each with
multiple columns graphed versus x=date) are Area charts, and there is a line
between the first data point and the last data point that messes up the
shading of the areas such that below that line the included data is shaded
above the line but the excluded data is shaded below the line (hard to
describe without a picture).
Also the Excel 2007 auto-filter is magnitudes slower than previous Excel
versions and I cannot do the same quick-step process as I used to. I used to
click on the auto-filter arrow and use my arrow keys to toggle between filter
items (i.e. Toyota to Honda) and hit enter. Now there are a ton of
mouse-clicks to do the same thing that took only a second or two in older
which element is charted. Some of the graphs (I have 6 graphs, each with
multiple columns graphed versus x=date) are Area charts, and there is a line
between the first data point and the last data point that messes up the
shading of the areas such that below that line the included data is shaded
above the line but the excluded data is shaded below the line (hard to
describe without a picture).
Also the Excel 2007 auto-filter is magnitudes slower than previous Excel
versions and I cannot do the same quick-step process as I used to. I used to
click on the auto-filter arrow and use my arrow keys to toggle between filter
items (i.e. Toyota to Honda) and hit enter. Now there are a ton of
mouse-clicks to do the same thing that took only a second or two in older