I just love it when people get into this mode. Obviously, the fellow who
wrote this has some sort of political axe to grind, and is not a developer,
or at least not a competent one. The text is rife with descriptions of
problems. A developer is by nature a problem-solver. To elucidate problems
without hinting at any possible solution is fine, as long as one is willing
to abandon the idea of drawing any conclusions. Yet, this document is simply
a descriptions of problems as a large set of premises to a conclusion that
paints Microsoft in a bad light, for whatever personal reasons are held
privately by the author, and that is simply illogical.
Bottom line is, computer software and hardware development is a business.
Ultimately, the market will decide whether Microsoft made the right
decisions or not, and the public will vote with their pocketbooks. There is
plenty of competition out there, so there are plenty of alternatives.
Therefore, anyone who is overly concerned about such commentary is concerned
by choice, for whatever personal motivations they may have, and the impact
of this is on a purely personal level.
Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Bit Player
A pea rants as candy be sieving.