This indeed is a good tip, but if I may there are other things that you may
want or need to know.
First, ALWAYS protect your self with a antivirus. A good antivirus will
pick up most viruses in your computer, but will not protect you 100%. One
article that I have read, the top 3 antivirus programs out there had the
following overall detection%:
1st was F-Secure 99.63%
2nd was Kaspersky 99.35%
3rd was antiVirenKit (AVK) 98.67%
Second, Never open up mail from people you don't know, if you do DON'T open
up the attachments. Not that that alone will protect you anymore, but don't
do it. There are viruses now out that you don't even need to open up a
attachment to infect your computer, just open up your e-mail can trigger a
virus or worm that is in the e-mail.
Someone was talking about a Firewall....
That's in a whole nother ball park. A firewall will not protect you against
viruses, it is used to protect yourself against hackers doing port spoofing
and stuff like that, but it can alert you if you are sending stuff off your
computer that your not aware of such as what trojans and some worms do. I
would highly suggest in investing in one of these too if you don't have one.