A funny one

Apr 19, 2008
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Have ya ever sat at home or work or wherevere with something at the back of your mind that you just can't put a finger on..? Well Ihave had this going on this evening and couldn't quite figger it out, until I heard the sound of a bus..Coming home from work today, I had to catch a bus from Central London to East End of London..Bus was full as is typical of that time of day..All I could do was stand right up front near the driver..A sign just behind her said.."Please do not disturb the driver while the bus is in motion" or words of that effect..Fare enough I thought..Seems like a pretty logical thing not to do to a person driving a huge red thing..Now here is the part that has been on the back of me mind..Remember the sign about not disturbing..? I don't think disturbing said driver would have done any harm, it would of been a safe option..The bit I had at the back of me mind all night was..The entire journey, she was sat there, mobile phone in hand texting while driving...Need I say anymore..??
:eek: Crikey, that must have made you feel so safe!.......Not.

Earlier today, I watched a van driver negotiate a roundabout whilst clutching a phone to his right ear. :rolleyes:
Yeah very..NOT! funny thing is, if you're caught it's a small fine..Small fine for something quite dangerous..7 years ago, I was sat outside my house on my motor bike with the keys in the ignition..I had had a few to many Jd and cokes, but had not been riding the bike at all..Keys were in the ignition because the alarm kept going off..Police pulled up and arrested me for been in charge of a vehicle while under the influence...My punishment..5 year ban...Which do you think is more dangerous..??
Really, thats quite harsh, as a former Royal Military Policeman i have never heard of a 5 year ban for that. I take it you didn't have any witnesses with you at the time.

The following link is for a solicitors that i used to recommend to soldiers that i thought were screwed by my collegues, as most young soldiers or most civilians know little if anything about the law.


It explains the law and penalties, for impaired driving through drink or drugs, and incharge of a motor vehicle whilst under the influence. To my knowledge this law has not been revised in the last ten years so a 5 year ban is totally wrong.

You could follow this up as there are no current statuate of limitations on previous bans or fines imposed and could be re-imbursed money lost by not having your bike license for 5 years.
Former policeman myself..No witnesses unfortunately..In the last post I failed to note that I had a priar ban for DUI.. I have been told by quite a lot of people the punishment was to harsh..I suppose its what you get when you're young and cocky and think you can defend yourself in court..The sentance is served, not much I can do now..Although I have done two good things since, bike riding is now only done on track, and I gave up drink about a year ago..
IMO anyone found guilty of using a mobile whilst driving should be fined at least £1000 (£60 is no deterrent to most) and banned from driving for at least one year. Yes,I know it's Draconian but it is such a dangerous practise. If I'd been on that bus I'd have reported the driver. An out of control bus could easily mow down a queue of school kids.

There's never a day goes by without me seeing several people using the phone and driving. Only really harsh measures will stamp it out.