I need a freeware to keep alive connection while I'm not surfing on the
net. There's a good freeware?
TIA to all
net. There's a good freeware?
TIA to all
Calep said:I need a freeware to keep alive connection while I'm not surfing on the
net. There's a good freeware?
I need a freeware to keep alive connection while I'm not surfing on the
net. There's a good freeware?
TIA to all
Calep said:I need a freeware to keep alive connection while I'm not surfing on
the net. There's a good freeware?
TIA to all
Calep said:I need a freeware to keep alive connection while I'm not surfing on the
net. There's a good freeware?
TIA to all
I need a freeware to keep alive connection while I'm not surfing on the
net. There's a good freeware?
TIA to all
Anonymous said:I've found the best way is to have my email program check for new messages every 5-10 minutes.
A lot of ISP's can now detect programs which just "ping" other sites & still disconnect you
after 20 minutes or so.
I need a freeware to keep alive connection while I'm not surfing on the
net. There's a good freeware?
TIA to all
BillR said:Ping Susan and Garrett at bottom.
You have numerous good choices that somewhat depend upon your
- Which OS?
- Which ISP and/or country? There are many AOL specific keep alive
utilities. Some ISPs require psuedo-input (i.e., random timing and
different sites).
- Do you need it all the time (surfing) or just for larger downloads?
- Dedicated or application feature -- just keep alive or as a feature
of a larger application?
DUN manager?
Track/limit connect time? Sessions? Cost?
Download manager?
Mail checker?
- Additional requirements (e.g., logoff if inactive for nn minutes,
random timing, random sites, ping only or retrieve page, automatic
redial after nn unsuccessful attempts)?
(I've tried to mention all the issues I could so that future Googlers
will be able to refer to this list. Any thing else we should add?)
1. See the numerous threads in the Google Groups ACF archives for
additional ideas and discussion. Try this to start (one line):
"keep alive" OR "keep connected" OR "dropped connection" OR "dropped
connections" OR disconnect* group:alt.comp.freeware
2. Set your email program to poll for new message every 4 minutes or
use one of the Pricelessware programs (email checkers or Mailwasher or
...) (scroll the Pricelessware or PricelesswareHome link in 5.)
3. Open a DOS prompt (command prompt) from Programs|Accessories and
type the following command where 240 is the number of seconds between
querying the server name. Minimize the window and let this run in the
background. You can also create a script to do this as part of your
dial-up logon.
netstat -a 240
4. A few of the many good dedicated possibilities -- visit any archive
for others:
Wakeup (see Pricelessware 2001)
Keep It Alive (oft mentioned)
Stay Alive
5. I haven't used either of the above. If you don't have a good DUN
manager, NetLaunch XP is great. There are other good ones if you want
fewer features. I'd recommend NetRun from CzarSoft as similar but
slightly simpler (and less flexible) but you would have to write your
own keep alive script.
NetLaunch XP (NetLaunch is Pricelessware)
http://www.pricelessware.org/thelist/net.htm#Dial-Up Networking Manager
6. My favorite download manager, NetTransport, also has a keep alive
feature, as do most others.
Scroll the preceding Pricelessware or PricelesswareHome link.
Thanks for the acf pages. BTW, MyVitalAgent calls an IP address that
is no longer owned by Lucent. I didn't bother to investigate further.
Too bad, it was a good program.
Susan and Garrett,
Would either of you be interested in adding something with information
like the above to your site? The idea is to list issues or features
to consider when choosing specific software. Thought I'd see what you
two thought before bringing it to the whole group as you would inherit
even more work.
I need a freeware to keep alive connection while I'm not surfing on the
net. There's a good freeware?
TIA to all
Calep said:I need a freeware to keep alive connection while I'm not surfing on
the net. There's a good freeware?
TIA to all
You already have one...
netstat -a XX
"XX" is the time in seconds for netstat to do its thing; i.e., netstat -a 60
would check every 60 seconds.
I've heard that many ISPs also ignore the email port for the purposes
of determining if the connection should be kept alive.
JanC said:Mark Carter schreef:
Sorry for a possibly stupid questionbut why do they do that?
Presumably out of desire to drop 'unused' connections, and they don't
regard mail checking as a legitimate 'use'.