Hi all, I am looking for a bit of help on a few issues
that are stumping me.
How can I populate a panel control with a form? In
TeeCharts.Net's Demo, the author uses a custom bit of
code that accepts an instantiated form object, and a
windows control. In his use, the form is a template
style form and the control is a tab page. Now I can use
this method Steema.TeeChart.Editors.EditorUtils.InsertForm
()) in my own project if I make the appropriate
references. This works even for my use of a panel.
However, I would love to know how it is being
accomplished so I can replicate it for my own
understanding, even though we have purchased TeeCharts.
I'm a bit lost on window control bindings. If I have a
textbox that I want to bind it's text property to a
variable (or form property), how is this accomplished.
It's simple when working with datasets,
textbox.databindings.add(new binding("text", ds", "bleh")
but its not so easy when using just a variable. Any
ideas, or am I completely missing the boat here?
What is the prefered method to dealing with passing data
around forms. I have played with shared variables,
events, and even by using a shared method with byRef's on
the called upon form to show itself and do its business.
Is there a quick tutorial that any of you would recommend
for me to read up on for error handling? I typically do
the try/catch thing inside of every method of mine, but
I'm sure that the proper way to do this is by tossing off
a custom exception that I handle in a single point for
logging etc.
Thanks for everything guys, I'm off to put my head into a
nice icebucket for a few hours
that are stumping me.
How can I populate a panel control with a form? In
TeeCharts.Net's Demo, the author uses a custom bit of
code that accepts an instantiated form object, and a
windows control. In his use, the form is a template
style form and the control is a tab page. Now I can use
this method Steema.TeeChart.Editors.EditorUtils.InsertForm
()) in my own project if I make the appropriate
references. This works even for my use of a panel.
However, I would love to know how it is being
accomplished so I can replicate it for my own
understanding, even though we have purchased TeeCharts.
I'm a bit lost on window control bindings. If I have a
textbox that I want to bind it's text property to a
variable (or form property), how is this accomplished.
It's simple when working with datasets,
textbox.databindings.add(new binding("text", ds", "bleh")
but its not so easy when using just a variable. Any
ideas, or am I completely missing the boat here?
What is the prefered method to dealing with passing data
around forms. I have played with shared variables,
events, and even by using a shared method with byRef's on
the called upon form to show itself and do its business.
Is there a quick tutorial that any of you would recommend
for me to read up on for error handling? I typically do
the try/catch thing inside of every method of mine, but
I'm sure that the proper way to do this is by tossing off
a custom exception that I handle in a single point for
logging etc.
Thanks for everything guys, I'm off to put my head into a
nice icebucket for a few hours
