A few 'quickhelp' quirks...


Michael Schøler

I just discovered these few quirks, and I thought you should know.

Quickhelp does not display when main window is maximized.

Quickhelp windows does not always align correctly when main window is moved
while the quickhelp windows is visible.

The Settings page is not aligned to the main windows width/height as all the
other pages are (window must be maximized to see this). This goes for all 6
sub-pages on the Settings page.

By the way: I love the quickhelp pages, and the link to the extensive help
pages from it! It's a great feature, especially for home users!

Best regards
Michael Schøler

The Unknown P

This must be just a quirk on your OS. For mine it always
shows. Both when I click the □ to expand the window to
full screen and when I stretch it to fit the screen. No
offset here and the Quick help always shows. My screen res
is 1280 X 1024 with DPI set to 125% normal(120 DPI). TTFN.

The Unknown P

That was the Box between the - and the X for those of you
who get a number displayed instead. Don't know why that
shows up???? TTFN.

Michael Schøler

The Unknown P said:
This must be just a quirk on your OS. For mine it always
shows. Both when I click the □ to expand the window to
full screen and when I stretch it to fit the screen. No
offset here and the Quick help always shows. My screen res
is 1280 X 1024 with DPI set to 125% normal(120 DPI). TTFN.

Im using a Windows XP ;-) - so I figure it should work out great. To be more
precise, I'm using Win XP Pro SP2, using screen resolution 1280x1024 (96DPI,
100% normal).

I have placed screenshots here:

Moving the main window around and releasing it, with the quickhelp window
visible (border alignment problem):
http://micmicc.adsl.dk/ms_antispyware_beta1/antispyware_screenshot1.png (452
http://micmicc.adsl.dk/ms_antispyware_beta1/antispyware_screenshot2.png (451
http://micmicc.adsl.dk/ms_antispyware_beta1/antispyware_screenshot3.png (465

Alignment problem on the settings page (does not fill out the window area as
all other pages do):
http://micmicc.adsl.dk/ms_antispyware_beta1/antispyware_screenshot4.png (392

Best regards
Michael Schøler

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