I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me with the
following questions/issues.
1) I find that the volume control in Windows doesn't affect the volume
of the TV feature in my AIW card. I can change the volume manually on
the speakers themselves. The Windows volume control works fine
2) When I am recording programs usig Guide-Plus and using the PC at
the same time, all of the background noises (clicking while surfing
the web, chimes indicating new email...etc...) are recorded on the
program. How to I avoid having these sounds recorded?
Thanks in advance for any help.
I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me with the
following questions/issues.
1) I find that the volume control in Windows doesn't affect the volume
of the TV feature in my AIW card. I can change the volume manually on
the speakers themselves. The Windows volume control works fine
2) When I am recording programs usig Guide-Plus and using the PC at
the same time, all of the background noises (clicking while surfing
the web, chimes indicating new email...etc...) are recorded on the
program. How to I avoid having these sounds recorded?
Thanks in advance for any help.