I have a form based on a table of names and addresses with an autonumber
Primary Key. It contains a subform based on another table of appointments.
Adding new records works perfectly.
I need to be able to delete appointments from the sub form but when I try to
operate the button I get the following message. 'The record cannot be dleted
or changed because table "tblappoiontments"include related records.'
I have a deadline of Monday coming and cannot find a cogent answer either on
Microsoft on line help or indeed in this forums previously addressed issues.
Primary Key. It contains a subform based on another table of appointments.
Adding new records works perfectly.
I need to be able to delete appointments from the sub form but when I try to
operate the button I get the following message. 'The record cannot be dleted
or changed because table "tblappoiontments"include related records.'
I have a deadline of Monday coming and cannot find a cogent answer either on
Microsoft on line help or indeed in this forums previously addressed issues.