A Delayed Crunch Question


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Last night I left the crunching laptop running overnight for the first time (to compensate for having needed to shut it down for a few hours during the day.) A WU was nearing completion, so I assumed that it would wait to be reported, whilst the next WU in the queue just got on with it (which is what normally happens.)

This morning, I found that the completed Proteome Folding Unit was indeed waiting to be sent, but (according to the Messages tab) the next Unit (AIDS) had not started, but had apparently sat there idle until around 9 am when it began, then stopped several times.:( I saw the message which said that if it continued to do this, it should be reset, however, I kept an eye on it and the Unit just got on with crunching normally, so I didn't reset anything.

I am wondering whether I have missed something somewhere? My BOINC settings permit crunching "anytime" so any ideas please?

Thank you for looking :D
Welcome to MY world ... ;)

TC, may I just say, for now, and until we hear from Captain Boinc, Ady, is ... ignore it. :)

Do not reset, eventually it will finish & will be OK and you'll get credit.

I am beating myself around the head trying to "fix" this same "error" on the Old Girl ... as far as I can ascertain, with my PC that is, it has something to do with the bad way PCs keep time ... I stress ... I seemed to be alone in all things that can go wrong in Boinc, do go wrong on my PCs. :rolleyes:

From what I have read, this can happen to "normal" PCs and clears itself. So, hang in there and ave a cuppa. :thumb:
Thank you Mucks :thumb: I didn't want to fuss, but being a bit new to crunching I thought it best to check, just in case I was failing to do something. The AIDS crunching hasn't stopped again (I've been keeping a peeper on it periodically ;) ) so it seems to be happy enough now ... although unlikely to be completed until tomorrow methinks. (Not concerned for myself, you understand, just don't want to let the Team down.) Perhaps I should bribe it with the promise of a nice de-frag and a good vacuuming
it seems to like being "Dysoned" :D

........Now where is that teapot...?
No problem ... ask as many questions as you like.
