A Darwin Award in the making..?


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
This weekend, a guy, who subscribes to the belief that our planet is flat, is planning to strap himself to a home-build steam-powered rocket, to get photographic proof of his belief.

His adventure is set to happen between 2 PM - 3 PM in California (that's 10 PM - 11 PM here in the UK.) He plans to reach a height of 1,800 feet at a speed of 500 mph. Hmm... good luck with that buddy.

You can read more and see pics of the rocket here: www.huffingtonpost.co.uk

As you might imagine, the article has drawn a few comments, the best of which (imho) is this one: "The only thing that Flat Earthists fear, is sphere itself." :thumb:
What an wally! I love that quote though :lol::lol::lol:

I can't wait to see his results :fool:

I am genuinely alarmed by the number of real "flat earthers" though - it seems there are quite a number of people that believe this, primarily because they saw some video on Facebook that shows some simple (flawed) experiments that can convince them. There are even sites with awful science that explain in great detail why science, mathemetics, NASA, Satellites, etc... are all giant conspiracies.

I'm all for serious questioning of things, even when it may seem silly - but it's so hard to deny that the earth is round, given how easy it can be to prove.

Well, here's the proof, an actual picture of the flat Earth with a, curiously, non-flat Moon. :confused:

Must be true.:D

And, just what is on the other side of the flat disc? :p
a, curiously, non-flat Moon.

You silly boy. EVERYONE knows that the Moon is made of cheese. It is a big, BIIIIG ball of Edam.

Alt-fact. And don't let those elitist scientists -- or mainstream media -- tell you otherwise.

the Moon is made of cheese. It is a big, BIIIIG ball of Edam.


I was always taught that it was made of green cheese - clearly not Edam (unless it had gone VERY mouldy). :D
I think it is possibly the Off Side. NO-ONE understands the Offside rule. :D

Scientists reckon to know the volume (V) of the Earth and its radius (z) so using the old pizza formula we can work out the thickness (a)

Volume (V) of a pizza = Пzza (or Pizza)

Therefore a =

So, very simple really (although I don't know the values for Y and z off the top of my head.) :D:p
At least he'll live for another few days! :lol:

He's certainly got some balls, I'll give him that!

"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm"
- W.E. Coyote